Game of thrones! Back at last

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GOT Soaps

Another soap maker that I know (a friendly competitor who I don't think is on this forum?) does a series of Game of Thrones soaps.

Here's the link:

I just want to reiterate that these are not my soaps. I do know the maker though, and she's makes a really nice bar of soap. I thought this idea was really imaginative!
Some people just take my breath away with their creativity and technical skill. It looks like she uses stamps that are English heraldic symbols (the lion and Tudor Rose). Your soaps are gorgeous too. So much talent!!!!
The one that annoys some of you wont be dead for long. "kill the child and let the man be born". The only question is how, and theories abound.

I have so much spoilery going on it is not even funny, but wont ruin it!

I only hope that GRRM finishes the books before something happens (please dear God watch over him). He is getting up there in age. I have invested a lot of years in this story, since 1996.

I cant wait for next Sunday. Second episode of Game of Thrones and the premiere of Penny Dreadful!

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I loved that episode... it looks like it will be a game for the queens now! I think I'm the only one on the planet that's really happy about "that one" not being with us. He just annoyed me.

wait, is "that one" *****? I don't want him to be dead. I though "the one" was referencing the one who died in the first episode this season? EDITED to remove spoilers

Tyrion is my favorite too and I'm constantly concerned for his safety lol.
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Does your theory involve a different father? I think so too!

My other theory... Varys is a Targaryen. My husband thinks I'm insane though.

Spoiler Disclaimer: I read some of the books but pretty much forgot everything in them.

*possible spoiler do not read if you do not want to know*

Varys could be! I like that theory. There are 2 other targaryens running around!
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wait, is "that one" John? I don't want him to be dead. I though "the one" was referencing the one who died in the first episode this season?

Wait...who died in the first episode this season? Did I nod off and miss something? :wtf:
wait, is "that one" John? I don't want him to be dead. I though "the one" was referencing the one who died in the first episode this season?

Tyrion is my favorite too and I'm constantly concerned for his safety lol.

Sorry, the one I was referring to is our most recent *main* character death in a castle. I guess that's not specific enough for this show... It was in a cold area and happened in last season's finale.

He's just so noble/angst-filled and his plot lines were really boring. I really like watching the more villainish characters on the show + Tyrion (of course), Dany, Varys, and Arya.
Sorry, the one I was referring to is our most recent *main* character death in a castle. I guess that's not specific enough for this show... It was in a cold area and happened in last season's finale.

He's just so noble/angst-filled and his plot lines were really boring. I really like watching the more villainish characters on the show + Tyrion (of course), Dany, Varys, and Arya.

You are terrible, he is the best-est:(

I'd be more then thrilled if dany was offed somehow, I'm really sick of her and her wishy washy personality. I wouldn't mind the the whole Stark family got killed off too, they are getting pretty boring.

Besides Tyrion, I really like little finger and Ser Jorah.
Back at last indeed!

Guess what stage most of my friends are in?

Obsidian, I so love Dani. I sometimes walk around screaming about where my dragons have been misplaced - when I losemy keys or purse.

In my perfect ending, Dani can take the throne with Tyrion and Varys advising. Arya will be her henchman along with the faceless man. Jamie and Brienne will be stuck on a buddy quest - just wandering around. Davos becomes a librarian. The Sand sisters all take up with Podrick and Bronn. Samwell has a bunch of babies and happily ever after with ex-wildling wife. Cue exit music!

Everyone else can be eaten by whitewalkers or whatever.
Obsidian, I so love Dani. I sometimes walk around screaming about where my dragons have been misplaced - when I losemy keys or purse.

In my perfect ending, Dani can take the throne with Tyrion and Varys advising. Arya will be her henchman along with the faceless man. Jamie and Brienne will be stuck on a buddy quest - just wandering around. Davos becomes a librarian. The Sand sisters all take up with Podrick and Bronn. Samwell has a bunch of babies and happily ever after with ex-wildling wife. Cue exit music!

Everyone else can be eaten by whitewalkers or whatever.

ROFL... best ending EVER!. But we all know that GRRM is a fickle master so we wont get most of that.
Obsidian, I so love Dani. I sometimes walk around screaming about where my dragons have been misplaced - when I losemy keys or purse.

In my perfect ending, Dani can take the throne with Tyrion and Varys advising. Arya will be her henchman along with the faceless man. Jamie and Brienne will be stuck on a buddy quest - just wandering around. Davos becomes a librarian. The Sand sisters all take up with Podrick and Bronn. Samwell has a bunch of babies and happily ever after with ex-wildling wife. Cue exit music!

Everyone else can be eaten by whitewalkers or whatever.

Love it!! We've said from the very start that she will take the throne eventually.
Sorry, the one I was referring to is our most recent *main* character death in a castle. I guess that's not specific enough for this show... It was in a cold area and happened in last season's finale.

He's just so noble/angst-filled and his plot lines were really boring. I really like watching the more villainish characters on the show + Tyrion (of course), Dany, Varys, and Arya.

Nooooo!! How can you be glad he's gone??

'You know nothing snappy llama!'
I'm mixed over Dani. She's the mother of dragons. What's not to love right there. Some times, though. I just want to shake her and yell, "You're the freaking Mother of Dragons". Her upbringing didn't exactly teach her to be a strong woman though so I get over it. I'd love a nice, neat, Downton Abbey, happy ending. A girl can dream.
But dani was a strong women at one point. She lead her people to safety and freed many slaves along the way, she wasn't afraid to step on anyone who got in her way. Once she settled in where ever she is at now (I'm bad with names) she turned into a little wimp who is afraid to make the hard choices and is afraid of her own dragons. She really needs to grow a pair or go away.
Yes. there were a couple of kinda main characters...

OK, I watched it again, and the only deaths, other than *spoiler*
other than Ramsay's henchmen, who followed Sansa and Reek, and were killed by Brianne and Podric, were the two Martells. Is that who you meant? I guess I wasn't thinking of them as main characters.
Yeah I don't class them as main characters either but I suspect they're going to become more prominent this season
I guess I thought of them as becoming possible players in the game. I think the new queen will be taking a much more active position against the Lanisters .