Forbidden Fruit FO from NG

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Jan 31, 2009
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I posted awhile back that I believed Forbidden Fruit FO (lovely scent) from NG caused my soap to almost seize. ... e-Oil.html

I tried the same recipe with a different FO and it set up very quickly. This current batch didn't get as stiff as the one with Forbidden Fruit but I still ended up having to glob into the mold.

So, I wanted to let everyone know that this FO doesn't accelerate as badly as I previously stated. I'm sorry I didn't try this experiment before I posted about it. Next time I'll know better.
It definitely made a batch of my CP seize.... I had to stuff it into the mold! So I won't be using it anymore with CP... would probably be ok with HP though. It is an awesome smelling FO though and is sticking pretty well even after 3 to 4 weeks of curing.
I hate to admit it, but I've not touched my SBs in a month. I've been stung by so many formula changes and seizing FOs that unless I'm 100% sure that the soaps not going to seize I use a whisk. I could cry at the number of 14# batches I had to toss for seized, riced soap.
Why do you hate to admit it? You should be proud of it. I'm amazed that you can hand stir large batches. My arm would fall off. :lol:

JudyH -

Thanks for letting me know abut your problem with it. I was thinking it was just because I was too slow.
Deda said:
I hate to admit it, but I've not touched my SBs in a month. I've been stung by so many formula changes and seizing FOs that unless I'm 100% sure that the soaps not going to seize I use a whisk. I could cry at the number of 14# batches I had to toss for seized, riced soap.

I was beginning to think it was just me (that maybe I've got a problem FO picker) because I've been doing mostly whisking as well. Way too many speedy oils lately.
I have also. I've been hit by the floral bug which I wouldn't normally use florals. And also spicy chai scents. So it's been a whisk for me. And ya know what...I like using a whisk. It's relaxing and you pay attention to the changes in the mixture better.