First market - pics

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'm 30 minutes into my first craft market with my soaps and lip balms. No sales yet... hoping that will change.

Update. First sale :)

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Thanks :) I've been planning it for six months. Just had to wait for the warm weather and market season.

Three sales so far. Lots of sniffing!
I love how you have everything. Your soaps look great. May God bless your day with many customers.
So nicely done Neve! :clap: Congratulations on your first market! I wish I was there; I 'd like to buy the lavender and the green soap (what scent if the green one? Wonderful color.)
Most of them are green ! :D

The woods
White sage

Are the green shampoo bars

Also seaweed swirl salt bar is one of my faves
LOVE the log slices, and also the log with the chalkboard paint as a sign! That is very creative.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you located? I notice your wrappers have English and what I think is French on them.
Wow!! Lovely display~I am so excited for you! Congrats!!! Good luck on sales - but even if you don't sell much today, no worries! You will do well on next sales! Proud of you Neve :)!
Thanks all :)

Oh here's a pic of my ghetto labels made this morning.

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Wow that looks pretty - I would definitely make a bee-line for your table if I were at that fair :)
You have a gorgeous set up! Your soaps look beautiful and I love all the natural elements of your table. If I was there I would totally buy as much as I could!
Haha well there were a lot of admirers and one girl commented on the display.

I sold about a dozen soaps and a few lip balms. I was pleased to see some guys buying them too.

Plenty left for a future market whenever that may be.
You should be very proud of yourself, I think your display looked very together, you look way experienced! You'll prolly change your display a little each time, I still do that 14 years later!

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