Reporting back after one week after straining egg yolk through wire mesh strainer.
For a 5 lb recipe:
I whipped 4 yolks into a cup of oil with a high speed blender, then blended with entire oil in recipe.
I used goat's milk frozen into ice cubes, so the milk/lye never got over 85 degrees. I mixed it with oils when they were both at 80 degrees.
I added 1 tablespoon honey for a preservative, and left it unscented.
The second batch I scented with FO.
I let the soap gel. I didn't get green tint, nor spots. I cut it the following day and it is the color of pine wood with the merest speckling, even throughout. There was a slight odor, but not one I would describe as egg, or bad-egg: a slightly sharp scent. I repeated with a batch with FO, and the scent of the FO is fine and the slight sharp smell is unnoticed under the FO.
I will report back after it has cured 6 weeks.