Dodgy soap muppet v me ( I lose)

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Derpina Bubbles

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Turns out I'm a wuss. Here's why.

Lady on Sunday had a goats milk soap stall at the markets. Told me the soaps will keep shrinking because they are still fresh and going through a process called saponification. Woah, wait. You're selling fresh, raw caustic soap? Obviously she wasn't but if she doesn't know what she's talking about she probably shouldn't be selling. It was softish soap so it wasn't fully cured, which still sucks for the buyer. Same seller has incorrectly labelled soap which apparently can regenerate skin. Amazeballs! All her soap can cure most ills (claims out the wazoo on the labels) and from what I can gather, will end world hunger and create world peace.

By the way, the soap was decent stuff. Just hard to trust the seller when she clearly doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. Checked her website and her and her hubby make them together. She was so blinking nice I couldn't say anything to her (yeah yeah I was pathetic). I mean, the soaper in me was ready to scream but the rest of me would love to sit and chat while having Devonshire tea with her. Swear to you, she was like a comforting Nan off TV. I didn't say a thing no matter what I saw or what she said. I just went "Oh, ok". Pathetic.

I was too worried about offending her to even question her about the age of the soaps and about the saponification thing. I always thought I'd be really upfront with a dodgy soaper if I came across one.

I was worked like a puppet. *Puts L on forehead*
I'm the same. I have a hard time confronting strangers about stuff like this as well, need for the L on forehead. unless you have one for me.....
Don't feel bad, you probably weren't going to change her mind and there's no reason to be rude. Now, if she is making all kinds of crazy medical claims and selling soap that might be dangerous, well then I would consider placing a call to the FDA (or whatever governing body oversees those things where you are).
I can't confront people at all. Case in point? My octogenarian neighbors appear to have broken my fence backing out of their garage.

I fully intend to let the insurance company deal with it.
I'm terrible for confronting people - I was buying some shoes toward the end of last year and the shop "assistant" was doing all that she could to show that she was mis titled. I ended up just saying "No" and getting my stuff together and walking out - wife following bewildered in my jet stream.

"Why were you so rude?" she asked.

"That was me being polite - if I told her what I thought of her abilities as a salesperson THEN I would have ended up being rude!"

My issue with the soap muppet is that the next person might well not be as clued up as you are, so by not saying anything you are leaving this hole for them to fall in to. If you say something and they don't change, it's their issue and at least you tried. She might not know that she is talking absolute Testes - she just makes recipes from a book and the book says all this stuff about what it does and so she sells it as such.

Until she knows better, she will continue to sell her Snake Oil.
Don't feel bad, you probably weren't going to change her mind and there's no reason to be rude. Now, if she is making all kinds of crazy medical claims and selling soap that might be dangerous, well then I would consider placing a call to the FDA (or whatever governing body oversees those things where you are).

I did think of this but I figured I could get enough moxy to send a private message to them via their website, carefully worded. See how they respond.

I can't confront people at all. Case in point? My octogenarian neighbors appear to have broken my fence backing out of their garage.

I fully intend to let the insurance company deal with it.

LOL I would totally do that too. Can't imagine knocking on their door to confront them about that. Meanwhile, can't believe they didn't tell you!

I'm terrible for confronting people - I was buying some shoes toward the end of last year and the shop "assistant" was doing all that she could to show that she was mis titled. I ended up just saying "No" and getting my stuff together and walking out - wife following bewildered in my jet stream.

"Why were you so rude?" she asked.

"That was me being polite - if I told her what I thought of her abilities as a salesperson THEN I would have ended up being rude!"

My issue with the soap muppet is that the next person might well not be as clued up as you are, so by not saying anything you are leaving this hole for them to fall in to. If you say something and they don't change, it's their issue and at least you tried. She might not know that she is talking absolute Testes - she just makes recipes from a book and the book says all this stuff about what it does and so she sells it as such.

Until she knows better, she will continue to sell her Snake Oil.

I absolutely get what you're saying about biting your tongue and walking off to be polite. If I really had of gotten into it with her about her soap claims I might have ended up worked up, as you do when it's a topic you're passionate about.

I do feel guilty just leaving it because, as you stated, other people are clueless on the subject and are being misinformed and ripped off (if they are expecting long lasting soap and the magic claims to come true).

I will brace myself and send a private message to her regarding my concerns and see what happens. They definitely are breaching ACCC labelling standards and making false claims that would get them in trouble with the TGA. I couldn't find their names or company name on the NICNAS register (a must do if making and selling soap in Oz) either but they might have it listed under another company name.

Yeah, I actually looked them up. Sad isn't it.
True, wouldn't want to make a scene in front of her stall. She really did seem lovely. I looked up the fines for all the breaches. :shock: I just couldn't nark on someone for that unless they kick one of my dogs or something. I did also notice that they started selling soap just before the NICNAS changes came in. They might be honestly clueless, which is no excuse, I know, but I'd like a heads up if I was them. It's been in for years and years but they might have their heads up their butts. Still doesn't explain the ridiculous claims though :problem:. Trying to be positive about them lol.
Consider that you might be doing them a favor by informing them what could happen to their business if they were reported for the most obvious and dangerous violations. They may be appreciative. If they turn into something like killer clowns go ahead and narc on them.

Dennis, those clowns are creepy. glad I didn't see them before going to bed or else I would have had nightmares.....

I think PM'ing them is smart. gives you time to do your research and then word your email exactly the way you want that won't sound rude. I'm one who needs to do that too. hope it all goes well!
. They might be honestly clueless, which is no excuse, I know, but I'd like a heads up if I was them.

Keep in mind that you are merely trying to be helpful and save them a lot of trouble. Their reaction could be very positive. Also remember that no good deed goes unpunished. :mrgreen:

Dennis, those clowns are creepy. glad I didn't see them before going to bed or else I would have had nightmares.....

I think PM'ing them is smart. gives you time to do your research and then word your email exactly the way you want that won't sound rude. I'm one who needs to do that too. hope it all goes well!

Agree with the pm. If the response is killer clown you won't be in range.

The movie was so bad it was funny.
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I agree with sending them a message just kindly stating your concerns. Tell them you are just concerned that they could be heavily fined and you would hate to see that happen. If they change it then it's all good. If they don't then you did your due diligence and they are putting their business at risk.

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