Notorious Lyear
the great red mica spill of 2021.

the great red mica spill of 2021.
OMG I feel so sorry for you. Knock wood I have not had it happen to me, but I worry about it every time I use mica.
Worst I had was when soaping with a friend who managed to wipe out a small (luckily) container of FO all over my went as far as the dining area, but not on the ceiling! Thank goodness. Itw as summer and we had all the windows open so the scent was not as noticeable after 24 hours AND all the cloths and wipes were either laundered twice or tossed out.
Did you notice Thing 1 and Thing 2 spreading that mica around? How about the Cat in the Hat?EDIT: I’m generally NOT a clumsy person. This is a sign that I’m stressed. Dropped my red mica off the side of the kitchen bench. Some of it end up on the overhead cupboards on the other side of the kitchen! Looks like there’s been a bloody murder.
Surprisingly, there’s still well over half the little 50g pot left, so it wasn’t much, but boy, that stuff makes a mess. It’s even in the drawer that was left open.View attachment 61429View attachment 61430View attachment 61431View attachment 61432View attachment 61433View attachment 61434View attachment 61435View attachment 61436
Go ahead everyone - have a good laugh at my expense. (There's still bits of red mica popping up everywhere in nooks and crannies all over the kitchen).I had tears welling up until I got to the last picture. I couldn't help but laugh.
Red soapAt least you have plenty of soap. To clean up with.
MyGo ahead everyone - have a good laugh at my expense. (There's still bits of red mica popping up everywhere in nooks and crannies all over the kitchen).☎
I knew that OwlIf you hadn't aimed for red soap, you hadn't invested into red mica in the first place??? Everything fine, what are you complaining about?
Myreaction emoji is actually a
, but it caught some of the mica as well.