Daily Gratitude

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Sep 23, 2010
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This was on another forum and I thought I'd start it here, as its so nice to read what people are grateful for.

Mine are -

1 - I'm grateful I woke up this morning.
2 - Grateful for my bunny and the funny things she does, to keep me amused.
3 - Grateful for tea.
4 - Grateful I don't have to cook tonight.
5 - Grateful for the simple things.

What are you grateful for ......
I'm grateful that our trip to the coast for my grandson's funeral went smoothly.
I'm grateful that now I can, without guilt, block and unfriend my former granddaughter from my Facebook feed. (I've had more than enough of her drama).
I'm grateful that I got to hold my newest grandson who is still, after 11 days, in the NICU. He's beautiful!!
I'm grateful to my sister and her husband for offering us their guest room and were there to listen to some of my ranting about my idiot ex-daughter in law. :)
I am grateful for:

-My family, despite all of the drama and discord that can occur
-For my faith, and the strength to get through the rough times in my life
-For my husband who loves me unconditionally
-And of course, I am grateful that I have been bitten by the soap bug which helps to keep me sane!
1. help I receive with French translation
2. My back hurts less after applying my salve
3. having the forum I love (SMF) and friendly people here
4. first cup of coffee in the morning
5. having a roof over my head and bed to sleep in
I'm grateful for so many things that I'm sure I could fill up several books! But I'll make it as short as I can by listing my top 5:

I'm grateful for my faith and the grace therein that carries me through each day.
I'm grateful for my hubby who also doubles at being my best friend.
I'm grateful for my son for being the child I always dreamed of having but never thought I'd ever be able to have (he's my miracle child).
I'm grateful for good friends and my oftentimes crazy, dysfunctional family.
I'm grateful for having a roof over my head, clothes on my body, means of transportation, and good food on the table.

IrishLass :)
What a fabulous thread...

Top 5:

1. I'm grateful for two beautiful loving children that make me so proud every day to be a mom.
2. I'm grateful for the most rewarding and challenging job at the most amazing company I could have ever dreamed to work for that continue to surprise me with their appreciation and generosity.
3. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband who continues to make me feel like the most loved person in the world
4. I'm grateful to have a passion (soaping) that I enjoy and flourish with as I grow and learn
5. I'm grateful for some amazing friends who continue to support and encourage me to grow and better myself.

I am Grateful that I have a Loving Family to go home to every day.
I am Grateful to have a great job.
I am Grateful For the wonderful weather we are having.
I am Grateful that I have two wonderful dogs that Bring enjoyment to me and my family.
I am Grateful that I am a member of this Wonderful Forum.

I am grateful for the blessings in my life, and there are many
I am grateful for my husband, my two children and the people they have chosen to spend their lives with
I am grateful for unconditional love
I am grateful for friends who give me so much joy
I am grateful for creativity, currently in the form of soaping, and a community of of others who actually enjoy hearing/talking about/looking at all things soap (that's you SMF)
I am grateful for my loving husband, who has and always will be there for me.
I am grateful for my daughter, who makes me laugh and smile every single day.
I am grateful for my extended family, who are always there for me in any situation.
I am grateful for my two younger sisters, who have so much creative talent flowing through them.
I am grateful for the network of awesome friends that my husband and I have.
I am grateful for where I currently live, for the food that I eat and for the amenities that I have.
I am grateful for this wonderful community full of such kind and knowledgeable people!
Fantastic idea bringing this here Relle, thank you.

Today I'm feel supremely extra grateful - overjoyed in fact.

1. I successfully finished the lab requirement for this semester of Biology/chemistry, while only missing one point. I've proven to myself that at this age, I can go back to college, I can still learn and I can still work hard!

2. I too have so many friends who have made so much possible in my life. It hasn't been an easy life, but the right people have entered my world when I needed them; I had just enough support to provide the energy I needed to continue to fight for myself.

3. The hard lessons and the suffering; I've overcome a very abusive background and that has given me the compassion to encourage and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

4. I am grateful to live in America, in a safe area. Lately I've heard so many people knocking Obama and politics and whatever. Sure there's plenty of problems here, but I'll take it over any other place. I love to talk to people from other countries, and I volunteer with Sudanese immigrants and they talk of constant fear, persecution, hunger, illness, etc.
My precious girl snuggles with me at night and we don't hear bombs drop or soldiers pounding on doors. It's legal and free for her to attend school. She doesn't have to walk 6 miles each way for fresh water. She has nutritious food, a good doctor, plenty of resources to engage her curious mind and is not expected to be married off when she's 12.

5. Sorry - I've been very serious. So on a lighter note...I'm grateful for the tv channel that plays very old black and white comedies like the Burns and Allen show, Honeymooners and Jack Benny. And I'm also grateful for McConnell's peppermint ice cream. (Waaayyy too grateful!)
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Nice to hear what we are all grateful for, its a daily gratitude, so please keep adding to it. Try and keep it light and happy if possible.
Today, I'm grateful for:

Strong coffee
Beasties underfoot that think I'm the best thing since Betty White
Grilled cheese sandwiches and sliced apples
Getting to play on an old technology at work that I've missed
family and friends coming over
Ability to take care of them and all the aligning of circumstance in my life that's enabled that
Living in vacationland. Today I drove past snow covered peaks on the way to pickup takeout Indian food
Spicy chicken korma & garlic naan
BBC shows on YouTube
A couple of adorable handmade Scandinavian gnomes I ordered from etsy that arrived today
A comfy bed
Getting to yap at all of you

I'm grateful for...

... the people who have my back when the poop hits the oscillator
... that I have a resourceful nature and can find solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems
... that my kids and family are whole, hardy, and well
... that my philosophy of living an honest life yields the reward of honest help when I need it
... that when I pray, I get answers, even if they aren't necessarily what I was expected
Love this thread!
I'm grateful for my husband who showed me what unconditional love truly is
For my three amazing children who teach me something daily and walk the word with humility and grace.
That I am the one with autoimmune disease
For SMF for all the support and wisdom ( and levity )
Today, I am happy I could sleep in my own bed. As much as I appreciate seeing family, I sleep best in my own bed.

I'm grateful for the cup of coffee that was waiting for me when I got up out of that bed.

I'm thankful I took today off, giving me a 3 day weekend after a sometimes difficult week.

I'm thankful for a perfect late fall morning - it's a touch frosty, but very peaceful out there right now and although it's late autumn/early winter and everything is that season's shade of dying, the subdued light is giving everything a sharpness and clarity that almost hurts the eyes. It's my favourite kind of morning.

I'm thankful for good friends.... those nearby and those I haven't seen in many years but are showing they truly care.
I'm thankful for getTV. During the whole month of December they are showing all the old Christmas variety show specials that originally aired in the '60's and '70's. I recorded the Andy Williams Christmas special and watched it last night. I was just a tiny tot when it first aired, but it brought back lots of wonderful, happy memories for me (it just wasn't Christmas without Andy Williams in our household, lol). Today they are repeating Andy's special, and also showing Judy Garland's, Bing Crosby's, and also Merv Griffin's. Hey- next Wednesday they are showing Sonny and Cher's! WooHoo! I'm such a sucker for old shows.

IrishLass :)