sudbubblez said:
Something about shea butter makes it cut down on the lather in large percentages. I would make this with beer -or- add sugar to the lye water to give more bubbly. The bubbly cant be 100% from castor because it adds density but not bubbles... there has to be a tad bit of bubbles to prop it up.
I think this is my problem. I only used it at 8%, but I think I also didn't have anything in it to give it bubbles... like coconut oil. that being said, I only made it last night, so maybe time will improve it some.
I used a total butter count of 31%, tallow at 40%, castor at 24%and stearic at 5. I added sugar, silk, salt, sodium lactate, and egg yolk. and beer and clay!
My stearic acid number is 28, and ricinoleic is 22. My bubbly number is 25, and the creamy number is 63. this is a nice, slick, SMOOTH bar.
shaving experts,, what would you recommend to give it bubbles?
Bruce, I hope you don't think I'm trying to hijack your thread. I can start my own if you like.