CPhp Salt Bar question

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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Yakima, WA
When do you add the salt when doing cphp salt bars?

Sorry if this is a silly question, cphp is not my normal thing:)
Hi Dixie , I tried a search for CPHP salt bars and couldn't seem to find anything on it. I know people do CPOP for salt bars , but I don't know about CPHP.
I am not much help at all , am I ?

When you do CPOP do you add the salt before or after the cook? I want to make some of this tomorrow and I would love to be able to hot process this in the oven to speed cure....

The thing is Lindy, the salt sets up and you can't cut the soap....but that is if you do 80% salt. At 50% salt you have a lot more time to work with.
That's why I'm thinking that if I add the salt in the beginning of the cook it might get too hard too quick. But, it's going to be hard to add at the end of cook :?
Dixie that was my concern too - so are you thinking we do the cook then add the salt just as we're ready to mold?

Or do we have to stick to CP?
Hi there, I'm new here. Anyway, If you want to do a salt bar Hp, you need to add the salt at the end of the cook. And cut it while it's still warm, otherwise it will be like a brick and you won't be able to cut it.

ETA, I used 75% salt, and I thought that was plenty. And try not do dump all the salt in at once, it's a bit harder to stir it all in that way. Ask me how I know.... :oops:
BTW kitn, thanks for trying :)

Lindy, I'm thinking that we add it at the end of cook....super quick!

If I get a chance, I'll try a one pound batch tonight and let you know.

Oh, one thing for sure, if you try it before I do, make sure you heat your salt to the temp of your soap so you don't lose heat when you add it to your cooked soap.
YW dixie. BTW I didn't heat my salt it wasn't necessary. But what I did do is stir in all my other stuff first, like clays, and fragrance, etc. the salt went in dead last, and you have to be quick getting it in the mold. I did a 2 lb batch and cut it within the hour of molding it. If you have single molds, even better because you dont have to worry about cutting it before it turns rock solid.

Ok, I made a batch of cphp salt bar. I was unable to get it all in the mold before it set up. I lost probably 1/2 cup or more.
I used 100% salt though. Next batch I am only going to use 75% and see how that does.
Yay Dixie! I ended up doing a CP Salt Bar with 75% salt - I'm watching it closely to see when I need to cut....I just tried to cut one now and way - way too soft still....this one has me sooooooo nervous!

I coloured it a blue and scented with Endless Sea.....

Did your salt settle towards the bottom any or would you say it stayed evenly suspended?

Or if anyone is reading this post and they do CP with only 50% salt, same question.

Zeoplum - I did 75% salt and added it at thick trace then cooked on top of the stove for about 20 minutes. The salt has stayed in place but still not ready to cut.

Dixie - yours looks great! Nice job
zeoplum said:

Did your salt settle towards the bottom any or would you say it stayed evenly suspended?

Or if anyone is reading this post and they do CP with only 50% salt, same question.


I do 50% Zeoplum , just give it a good good stir and it seems to mix nice and even throughout the bars.


Ok, the results are:

The white bar was first, scented with Hyacinth. I added regular salt at 100% after cook and I was not able to get it all in the mold. I lost probably 3/4 of a cup or more of soap. The min. it came out of the mold and hit cooler air it was hard!! I cut it in 20 min.!

2nd batch is the blue bar, also scented with Hyacinth. Again I added regular table salt but I only added 75% ratio this time. I had to work quick but I was able to get most of it in the mold. Cut in 45 min.

Keeping in mind that I added fragrance and color to both bars and stirred that in before I stirred in the salt.

3rd batch, red bar scented with Spiced Mahogany. I was out of reg. salt so I used sea salt in this one at 75%. The difference this time---I heated the salt before I added it. This helped somewhat. I was able to stir in my FO and color and salt easier. I was also able to get most all of it in the mold. Although, once I added the salt to the mix it was ok until it hit cooler air outside of that pot and when it did it almost immediately hardened. So, was it worth heating the salt? No. Unless I didn't get the salt hot enough?
Cut in 45 min.

My conclusion is: With cphp 75% salt is much better over that and it is not possible to get it all in the mold....no exaggeration!
The first two bars (white and blue) are VERY smooth except for the tops of course. The red one was smooth but I really liked the smoother texture of the reg. table salt verses the sea salt. The red bar is a bit rougher and a little crumbly around the edges.

Zeoplum, No I had no problem at all with the salt wanting to sink. That would be more likely in CP with a low %of salt. I have done 50% and had not problem in CP but I waited to add the salt at thick trace.
Okay - I CP'd mine at a 15% SF - I made it this morning and it is still too soft to cut - 75% salt. Salt stayed mixed in and just waiting for it to set up enough to cut. I think because I did such a high SF it will take much longer to set up for cutting - next time I will try the CPOP.
When I do cp salt bars it takes a lot longer for them to set up. And I'm sure the SF had something to do with it. I think I like CPOP salt bars better because I am not constantly running back and forth checking on them and worrying about them getting too hard to cut.