Can cinnamon "roll" soap be made out of CP instead of MP?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2013
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If so, would it just mean finding a shallow mold of some sort (could be foil, I realize) to pour the soap into, and then let it solidify only part way (not completely overnight) before attempting to roll up?

Crazy question?!

Have not done it myself, but perhaps this would work:

make your soap as normal, color 1/2 brown (I guess) and the other one bread color. Pua a layer of each into two different cookie sheets (plastic, or line with freezer paper). Wait 24 hours. Get out of cookie sheet, put in plastic Sarah wrap type cling paper, wait a day or two, and then lay one of top of each other and roll very carefully. Then let cure for another 24 hours, and slice!
But if I wait 24 hours don't you think it might be too hard to roll? Thanks! :)

Have not done it myself, but perhaps this would work:

make your soap as normal, color 1/2 brown (I guess) and the other one bread color. Pua a layer of each into two different cookie sheets (plastic, or line with freezer paper). Wait 24 hours. Get out of cookie sheet, put in plastic Sarah wrap type cling paper, wait a day or two, and then lay one of top of each other and roll very carefully. Then let cure for another 24 hours, and slice!
Have a look at rimmed soap techniques - that might give you some ideas on how cold process soap sheets can be rolled.

And, just a quick note, foil here is made from aluminium (not sure what it is made from where you are) and you do NOT want to use that for cold process soap. The hydroxide will eat the aluminium, causing mold failure, but worse it will release toxic gases while it's doing it.

Not crazy, I think it could look great!

If so, would it just mean finding a shallow mold of some sort (could be foil, I realize) to pour the soap into, and then let it solidify only part way (not completely overnight) before attempting to roll up?

Crazy question?!

Ok will look into that, thanks! And yikes - glad you reminded me about aluminum!! I saw a youtube video in which they used aluminum but that was with MP soap!

Have a look at rimmed soap techniques - that might give you some ideas on how cold process soap sheets can be rolled.

And, just a quick note, foil here is made from aluminium (not sure what it is made from where you are) and you do NOT want to use that for cold process soap. The hydroxide will eat the aluminium, causing mold failure, but worse it will release toxic gases while it's doing it.

Not crazy, I think it could look great!