camomile tea

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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has anyone tried using camomile tea instead of just water, and mixing with the lye?

I'd like to try it for our baby soap, and I'm wondering if it would be good, or if it would discolour the soap.
It will probably discolor, but to what color, I don't know.

I used orange tea and got a pretty pale yellow, with green tea I got brown.
When using herbal tea in soap, and adding it during any part of the process will cause the soap to turn brown.
I make a chamomile soap but I infuse the flowers in oil (cold infusion). Then strain and use. You could also do a warm infusion on the stovetop(much quicker)

As far as color - it gave a white soap base recipe I use just the gentlest light cream hue. It's actually very pretty.

Good luck!
I just used peppermint tea and it made the lye solution a sickly orange brown. thankfully I was adding cocoa to it so you cant tell. lol.
I too infuse olive oil with chamomile for making soap bars. Last time I added some dehydrated carrot and orange peel as well and got a lovely orange color.
I've used 'Sweet Dreams' herbal tea before in place of my water. It's a blend of Chamomile, hibiscus, peppermint leaves, rose blossoms, spearmint leaves, and orange blossoms. I also added a little dried tea from a few tea bags. It turned the soap a very pale greenish/tan color and it had a very pleasant light scent of peppermint. I'll see if I can get a pic for you if you'd like....

cdwinsby said:
I too infuse olive oil with chamomile for making soap bars. Last time I added some dehydrated carrot and orange peel as well and got a lovely orange color.

Ditto here. I also use powdered chammomile flowers. You might note this warning, though:
"Possible side effects

Chamomile is a relative of ragweed and can cause allergy symptoms and can cross-react with ragweed pollen in individuals with ragweed allergies. It is also a coumarin and should be avoided by anyone taking blood thinners."

That's a quote from here:

The source is The Readers' Digest Association
I used it when following a recipe I found in a book for a Hot Process recipe and it came out a beautiful yellow. I also added crushed camomile in it with a chamomile bergamot fragrance. In her recipe she added it instead of water with the lye. Just brew and steep the amount you usually would use for the water. Let me know if you want the recipe I have. Like I said it is hot process and I haven't made it cold process but I have used other recipes deveolped for HP into CP and haven't had any problems.

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