Building a beveler

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I'm building my own beveler today, tired of the uneven edges from the potato peeler ( and hubby is ticked that I keep swiping it from the utensils draw ) :oops:

Anyway, cross you fingers and wish me luck. I hope it turns out, it's a simple design, and if it works out, I'll post how I did it so you can make one too !! :lol:
I would love to have a beveler for my soaps, but have put off buying one because of the price. Look forward to seeing pictures of yours and maybe "how to" instructions as well. :D
I have gotten pretty good with the potato peeler, but I would still love a beveler! I hope yours turns out and I would love to learn how to make one if you decide to do a little tutorial. :)
I really need to find my instructions for you girls. I KNOW I have them somewhere.
It was literally only like $5-$10 for the materials and took my hub only about 20 minutes to build it.
I'll look around online too and see if I can find where I got them from originally. :)
Well, the problem is, I can't find my printed instructions and the website is gone. I'm still looking. There are still a few stash places I haven't checked in yet. LOL