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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
Central, NY
As I cruise the Internet looking at different soap vendors I've noticed that the ones that include beer soaps in their inventory tend to include a picture of the actual beer used in the soap. In addition they actually mention the name brand in the description.

Is this possible without the consent of the brewery or is this what you must do if you include a picture and the brewers name without prior written consent?

Hope I phrased this correctly.
They are opening themselves up to being sued unless they have permission from the company to use their name. I'd be super pissed if I had a brewing company an someone used my beer/company name to promote themselves without my permission. In the very least, it's tacky, if not illegal. If they have permission, it should be noted on the site, ie: "Budweiser is a trademark of Anhauser Busch, name used with permission."

That's my 2 cents on it!
Yep, completely illegal unless given permission by the company. I see B & B businesses doing it all the time with books & movies, too. Not a good idea.

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