Best practices for embedding

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Grayce - Thanks for the confirmation!
It didn't seem like it should be hard, but I wasn't sure.
Now I can try a batch of 'confetti soap' - no telling what it'll smell like?
Something to look forward to.

P.S. Glad you're feeling better.
I just made 2 batches of soap with embeds a week ago. I was using fully cured soap that i chopped to tiny bits for embeds and did not encounter any problem. Mixed till medium trace, just enuff for the embeds to stay there and not sink. Don't forget to weigh your embeds so that you don't end up with too much batter at the end.

I'll post pics later..

I want to do my first embed soap, as I was thinking this out, I thought about the amount of embeds vs the soap batter. Do I wt the embeds and discount the amount in batter? LIke if I us 10oz of embeds, that would equal 10-from the batter?