Best place to get tallow??

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Aug 27, 2024
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Hello everyone,

Does anyone have recommendations on the best places to buy tallow in bulk that is high quality but not super expensive?

Have your tried your butcher? If you get ground tallow from your butcher, you will have to melt and strain it. If you don't mind the work, it is probably the cheapest alternative. You also might want to try Walmart's Good Value shortening with beef tallow. Here is a previous thead that discusses using GV shortening.
Hello all! Been following the forum for awhile, but new to posting. Beef tallow seems to be a wonderful addition to soap! Are there any concerns about self rendering tallow and using it in soap for sale? I have seen discussions about needing a certificate of analysis? If no claims about soap are made, and it is sold as soap only, is that needed? I believe that it may be needed with cosmetics. Thank you for your wisdom!
Laws are different depending on where you plan to sell. Are you in Valparaiso, Chile, or Valparaiso, Indiana?

If you are in the US, the answer also depends on the size of your business- which determines whether you are exempt from MOCRA, or must comply with it.
I am also in the US and use my home-rendered tallow to make soap. Disclaimer: I don't really sell per se, but donate soap and cosmetic products to organizations that do sell, and also make custom orders for friends.

My understanding is that, absent specific state or local regulations, small sellers of true soap (as defined by MOCRA) are exempt from the requirements as long as they make no claims and use no ingredients that put it into the cosmetic or drug categories. But if you are making and selling things that fall into the cosmetic category, then you are subject to keeping batch records, using compliant labeling, etc. Here is a link to read more about that.

Of course, most soap sellers do label their soap with ingredients, out of deference to those who might have allergies. If you want to learn more about labeling, Marie Gale is the best source and authority for that.
I am also in the US and use my home-rendered tallow to make soap. Disclaimer: I don't really sell per se, but donate soap and cosmetic products to organizations that do sell, and also make custom orders for friends.

My understanding is that, absent specific state or local regulations, small sellers of true soap (as defined by MOCRA) are exempt from the requirements as long as they make no claims and use no ingredients that put it into the cosmetic or drug categories. But if you are making and selling things that fall into the cosmetic category, then you are subject to keeping batch records, using compliant labeling, etc. Here is a link to read more about that.

Of course, most soap sellers do label their soap with ingredients, out of deference to those who might have allergies. If you want to learn more about labeling, Marie Gale is the best source and authority for that.
I am also in the US and use my home-rendered tallow to make soap. Disclaimer: I don't really sell per se, but donate soap and cosmetic products to organizations that do sell, and also make custom orders for friends.

My understanding is that, absent specific state or local regulations, small sellers of true soap (as defined by MOCRA) are exempt from the requirements as long as they make no claims and use no ingredients that put it into the cosmetic or drug categories. But if you are making and selling things that fall into the cosmetic category, then you are subject to keeping batch records, using compliant labeling, etc. Here is a link to read more about that.

Of course, most soap sellers do label their soap with ingredients, out of deference to those who might have allergies. If you want to learn more about labeling, Marie Gale is the best source and authority for that.