Are you a morning person?

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I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be a morning person, but I'm entirely too energetic to be I have to exhaust all my energy at night. I'm normally up around 10 or 10:30, but I also normally don't go to bed until 2 or 3 AM. I'm normally more creative then becaue the house is silent and my creative juices flow like crazy.
I used to be a morning person. I miss those days!

Now, with my hormones acting up (PCOS-I'm treating it with herbal supplements, teas, and diet changes) it makes it difficult to get up early and be cheery anymore
I've always been a morning person. I remember being little, getting up in the middle of the night, waking my parents & being told it wasn't time to get up because the sun wasn't up yet. From that point on, if I opened my eyes & saw sunlight, I'd wake everyone by knocking on doors and announcing that the sun was shining! Now that I'm much older & dating a night owl, I tend to sleep later, especially when my sons are on a school break!