Anyone have molds from mrdoright123 on ebay?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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ON, Canada
I just got my custom "no-liner" soap molds from mrdoright123 on ebay! They are very sturdy (looks like they're made of really thick cutting board material with a plexi-glass bottom) and all the cuts are straight (doesn't appear they will leak!)

I have heard conflicting opinions about whether or not these are actually "non-stick" molds. Apparently you do not need to line them with anything - that CP soap and M&P will just come right out, no problem. Some have said it's true, others have said they couldn't get the soap out for the life of them!

So, before I use these for the first time tonight I'm wondering if anyone else has these molds and has any tips as far as what (if anything) I should do to prepare them so that my soap DOES NOT STICK! Should I wipe them with some mineral oil?

I had them custom made so that they will fit in my freezer if I have any big issues with sticking, so hopefully that will help if my soap does stick.

Each mold makes about 7 lbs of soap so I really don't want to risk losing so much if I can't get the soap out!

Any tips for my first use would be great! Thanks! :) I'll do a review of the molds once I try them out. I found the seller very friendly and he communicated very quickly. He even phoned me a few times! Customer service was A+ - I'll report back about the molds soon!

yes i do, and i love them! :D

i had some specially made. they hold 4.5#'s soap. now i soap a 2:1 water/lye (33%) and what i do is run a long strip of wax paper just along the botto and up the ends. a little pet jelly will hold it in place.

if you gel, the sides will pull away and you will have no problem removing soap as soon as it pulls away from the sides. but i still use wax paper on the bottom.

if you don't gell, it's a little tougher to get ou. that where the wax paper comes in.

after you pour the soap, place the molds on paper just incase the mold seeps a bit. i have one that does and 2 that doesnt'. i just run masking tape along the outside bottom of the mold.

one more thing, the slicer-i took it down to the lawnmower repair and had them sharpen it-cuts like butter!

have fun!
Well I just made my first batch of soap in my brand new molds and am so excited! I'm really pleased with these molds and am HOPING my soap comes out!

Thanks for the tip heartsong! Every time I use waxed paper or parchment paper in my molds it ripples due to the heat (I think?) so I just wiped the inside really good with some mineral oil. It has worked pretty good for me in the past so I'm hoping it will this time too! I made my lye solution 33% like you do too.

Crossing my fingers!! If the soap comes out easy I will be so happy and will order about 5 more of these!
I have them too and ditto what heartsong said , they are so easy to keep clean .I found the edges were sharp when I first got mine, so I bevelled the edges.
Crossing fingers that your soap comes out perfect for you.

I bought 2 and threw them away - I wouldn't even wish them on another soaper.

They leaked, the bottoms warped, and they stuck, even with mineral oil. The edges were rough and scratched me. I bought them as a part of a co-op on another forum and several of us had the same experience.

I have kelsei's which are similar and far superior.
carebear said:
I bought 2 and threw them away - I wouldn't even wish them on another soaper.

They leaked, the bottoms warped, and they stuck, even with mineral oil. The edges were rough and scratched me. I bought them as a part of a co-op on another forum and several of us had the same experience.

I have kelsei's which are similar and far superior.

Were they from the same seller carebear ? I have been using mine for 6 months , made many a batch and have not a hint of a leak and no warping whatsoever , they look brand new . I do CPOP in them too. Gelled soap comes out clean as a whistle with no mineral oil . Your post has me puzzled .

i have two that i've had for a couple of years and i love them! they've never leaked and super easy to clean. i've been thinking of getting one of his divider molds too. soon!
Okay, it's time to unmold my soap from yesterday!

How exactly are you supposed to take the soap out?

I mean, I have always used breakaway type molds, where one side comes off. I can see that the soap DIDN'T stick ( :D :D :D :D ) because when I wiggle the end pieces a bit they come off the log, but how do I get the whole log OUT?

Everything is snapped together (into the bottom piece). I tried wiggling the end pieces up (even using plyers to try to pull them out) but they're in there pretty tight. I took all the screw thingies off. Tried pulling the sides....

It's not sticking that is the issue because I can see the log coming away from the sides when I pull on them, I just don't know how to get one side or end OFF so the log will fall out.

Help?? :wink: It's in the freezer now. I've never been able to just turn a mold over and have a 7 lb log of soap fall out, so there's gotta be a way to take this thing apart?
If you think it is turning loose ...... maybe try putting a couple of books the same thickness on the table just far enough to catch the edge of the mold and then maybe bang it on the books. Hopefully it will come out.

It is coming away from the sides but there is suction in the mold so the log won't fall out when I turn it over. I even just dropped it really hard face down on the floor to try to get it to fall out and it didn't come out. There must be a way to take the mold apart some how? As far as I can see, the bottom piece is grooved/locked into all the side/end pieces, so it won't come apart. Agh!
:x So sorry! I hope it works for you :cry:

Keep us posted. I too have been looking at them and wondering the same thing...
Hey Ashley , are there bolts with wing nuts on the side and bottom , just twirl the wing nut a little bit and slip the bolt out and it comes apart . If your mold is like mine the very bottom of the mold stays on , ( you have something solid to hold while you get it in the cutter) , mine slides through the cutting box on the bottom of the mold , very easy to cut as it slides nicely through the cutter .( I hope that makes sense).lol


So you cut the bars while the bottom piece is still stuck to the log? Do your bars come off the bottom piece easily once they're cut?
I can cut them while on the bottom , I can make my cutter wider , they come off fine , if they are a little sticky I wet my flat cutter and run it under the slice .With the mactac on the mold , after I take the log out , I put a piece of saran longer than the cutter and put the log on that and use that to pull the log through the cutter , no finger marks that way.


i take mine completely apart and even pull off the bottom piece. i've never used the cutter that came with the molds.

they really are a snap to use. :)

wonderland said:
i take mine completely apart and even pull off the bottom piece. i've never used the cutter that came with the molds.

they really are a snap to use. :)

mine breaks down completely, too-including the bottom, tho it is a firm fit.
Alrighty, so I played with my other one (I ordered two), and know what you guys mean about them just coming apart completely when you take the bolts/wingnut thingies off. I had no problem getting that one apart with nothing in it!

I think my issue is that the soap is sticking madly to the sides. I have the bolts off, but I can't for the life of me pull the mold apart! It is stuck like glue at the bottom of the side pieces. I think I'm going to have to take my knife to this batch and next time I'm going to use the mac tac/cupboard lining stuff in it. Even though that kind of defeats the purpose of the mold being "linerless" it does not take much time at all to drape a sheet of mac tac across it. The ends don't stick so I'm not going to bother lining those - I'll just put some mac tac longways across the sides and bottom. That should do it! I'm going to make a batch now and I'll let you know tomorrow how it comes out!
Ok, thanks to you enablers, I ordered one of the slab/divider molds from this guy. Now I am 70.00 poorer (and the sad thing is that I don't care!). The mold looks real nice.
If you use the mactac Ashley , I make it a little longer than the sides and hold these down with an elastic at each end, then when it's time to unmold just pick up the sides and roll it once or twice and you have a handle , you can pick it up and you're done.

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