Any marigold for calendula petals?

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Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Idaho, USA
I was wondering calendula petals are from a special kind of marigold or will any kind of marigold work? My gramma always has a huge amount of marigolds in her garden and she has told me I can have all the petals I want before they die down for the winter.

She has this kind
Sorry, calendula are called "pot marigold," but they are different from what you have above. Above is is the genus Tagetes, Calendula is the genus Calendula. (Being a different genus means they are not closely related at all). This doesn't mean that your marigold petals will not be able to color the soap, I just did a search for "tagetes soap" and some people have done it--but I don't think the tagetes petals have the same qualities as calendula petals.
Thank you, when I tried searching Calendula officinalis I always got picture of both kinds so I didn't know if there were interchangeable. I will reach the kind gramma has.
It depends if you are using the calendulas for colouring your oils or are going to dry the petals to put on top or through your soap. Your ones, the petals would be too big for drying and putting in soap, you need the big ones with the thinner petals like below. You didn't say what you want to do with them.

It's the calendula that imparts the good stuff to the oil; I think some varieties of tagetes marigold are nematode repellant, but don't have the same skin-soothing herbal usage.