Another Cheryl Update

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Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southern California
One more update on Cheryl. She is still home, the Sepsis has apparently been eradicated finally, thank goodness. This has been a very long unbelievably expensive haul, but my daughter is still alive. She did have to go back to Reno this last week for another small surgery to open a gland in order to get moisture into her sinus area which is so dehydrated due to her Sjogren's syndrome, which of course she has a rare case of which is attacking her internal organs. Yep, leave it to Cheryl to always get the extreme.

She found a lady through the Sjogren's foundation whom she started chatting with who gave Cheryl her doctor's name and Cheryl contacted him. Although he is located in Ohio is was able to get Cheryl in a biological program for 4 years for $50 a month for meds with an upfront cost of $3100. We are very lucky her insurance actually approved telle health appointments with this doctor and he got her into the program in less than 24 hours. This was amazing. If we could have had her on this program the last year she most likely would not have had their teeth issues and would not have had Sepsis, but no doctor recognized the Sjogren's as being the crux of her problems. Nope had to wait until all my money was gone, but at least we have some encouragement now.

I am now praying I get this house I have to share with my sister sold so we can finally make our final move. It is on the market and of course, nothing is selling around here. Figures, our timing is always impeccable.
Cheryl has been on my mind a lot as of late...always looking for an update. This one is fantastic! Praying for things to remain on this path of return. Thanks for the update!
Cheryl has been on my mind a lot as of late...always looking for an update. This one is fantastic! Praying for things to remain on this path of return. Thanks for the update!
Thank you and Thank you to all for the prayers and kind thoughts. This has been a long road with many tears, prayers, and many times thinking her body was not going to get over this sepsis. I know some in the family thought we were being taken advantage of, as far as money, but in my heart, mind, and doctors, I truly believe without the over and above treatments we would be visiting her in the cemetery. Her immune system could not fight this. How many people die of Sepsis every day, it is a killer.

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