Last night I made a batch of ZNSC Zany's no slime castile
I used 90% lavender infused OO + 10% Castor oil. Used the faux seawater 1:1 with lye & then to my oils added the .7 of the 1.7 water/lye ratio as
milk added to the oils. I decided to scent with lavender & accidentally grabbed a bottle that was an oil “blend” that I had put back in soap supplies even though I’d determined previously that it was not
EO & caused EXTREME acceleration
. So I had mere seconds to pour/plop batter into mold. Loaf was so hard so quick I didn’t get the chance to add some lavender to the top. May not look so great, but they smell divine & I really love my 90/10 bars without faux sea water. Can’t wait to try these!

I used 90% lavender infused OO + 10% Castor oil. Used the faux seawater 1:1 with lye & then to my oils added the .7 of the 1.7 water/lye ratio as