Another batch of ZNSC complete

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Jul 26, 2021
Reaction score
Spokane, Wa
Last night I made a batch of ZNSC Zany's no slime castile
I used 90% lavender infused OO + 10% Castor oil. Used the faux seawater 1:1 with lye & then to my oils added the .7 of the 1.7 water/lye ratio as 🐐 milk added to the oils. I decided to scent with lavender & accidentally grabbed a bottle that was an oil “blend” that I had put back in soap supplies even though I’d determined previously that it was not 💯 EO & caused EXTREME acceleration 😢. So I had mere seconds to pour/plop batter into mold. Loaf was so hard so quick I didn’t get the chance to add some lavender to the top. May not look so great, but they smell divine & I really love my 90/10 bars without faux sea water. Can’t wait to try these!
Another batch of 💗 Zany's no slime castile

This one 💯 OO. As mentioned in previous thread, I accidentally soaped too cool & this took forever to reach emulsion, I poured too early & it took DAYS to harden vs. other batches that hardened in a flash! Anyway, I tested a bar today (made 10/17/21) & it’s already quite hard, yet soft in hands, uncolored, unscented, wonderful small gentle soap.💖 🧼✨
Another batch of 💗 Zany's no slime castile

This one 💯 OO. As mentioned in previous thread, I accidentally soaped too cool & this took forever to reach emulsion, I poured too early & it took DAYS to harden vs. other batches that hardened in a flash! Anyway, I tested a bar today (made 10/17/21) & it’s already quite hard, yet soft in hands, uncolored, unscented, wonderful small gentle soap.💖 🧼✨
View attachment 62227
Just beautiful Lynette!
ZNSC & ZNSB just don’t hold color!
1st photo taken after unmolding. Used 1tsp magic mushroom Mica, 1/2 tsp cocoa powder & F/O cozy flannel that is suppposed to cause to tan. I really thought I’d get close to brown. But here’s a pic of day 3. In second photo, the bar on lefthand side is wet & looks tan but I have a feeling they will get lighter & lighter. ZNSC uncolored & unscented are snow white if gel phase doesn’t happen. btw: they lather beautifully day 3.
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1/2 tsp cocoa powder
I wouldn't blame the ZNSC recipe too early. Can you cut one open to look inside? Cocoa powder (just as discolouring FOs, and some micas) can cause weird troubles with turning brown, pink, yellow, or fading altogether, in some random order, depending on concentration, air contact, additives, …
I agree with The Owl about giving it time. First, you have OO, which notoriously lightens as it cures. But then you have an FO that is expected to darken as it cures.

This may turn into an epic battle of adverse colorants... or perhaps merely an interesting albeit slow morph into the final color. Keep us posted. :)
I am on 📍 & 🪡 to find out what final color will be. However I’m not holding out for any sort of brown after seeing this. I’ve used the faux sea water in a non ZNSC recipe. For the pink ombré bar the recipe was: OO/CO/Shea/Castor
%: 56/25/11/8. 1/2 Colored with pink mica w/ ombré pour. I thought the chalky look was from too much CA but only used 1% of oils & after SMF thread post fellow soapers input that % too low to cause chalky look. Now I see that same “chalky” look on the massage bars. Here is the wet bar cut in half next to pink ombré bar with faux sea water. The other confetti bar below the pink ombré bar was colored with 1tsp dark purple mica. The purple visible is from purple confetti shreds. Base has no purple that I can see.
OO/CO/castor 85/10/5

Side note: have made two ZNSB confetti bars & neither have the chalky look. Same recipe- uncolored also has no chalky look.
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