Acceleration save

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Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Idaho, USA
Ever had one of those days where you completely forget your FO accelerates until the moment you pour it in the batter? I managed to get it stuffed in the mold, lets hope it doesn't have too many air pockets.

The violet color is from madder root powder added directly into the batter. First time using it, quite like the color. There is a bottom layer I colored with ginseng powder, hoping it makes pretty yellowy specks.


Thanks, I'm really anxious to see the inside too. The color has changed, its more pink now but still really pretty. This soap is still giving me fits, I insulated so it would gel and it started to over heat. There are small cracks forming on the top so its in the freezer now.

This is a nice scent but not good enough to make it worth the trouble. I'm really glad I used it all up.
Nice! I like the glitter, I think it will help it look intentional if there are any "imperfections" like air pockets. I put quotes because even if you have a soap that you think is too funky looking, someone will come along and say it's one of their favorite soaps ever. What does it smell like?? Did you hot process or does it look that way because of the acceleration? Fortunately I've never had a soap truly accelerate, maybe because I use EO's only and there are only a handful that do.

One time I made a rebatch with an uncolored batch of soap, I added madder root. It totally looked like bologna with the bits of white in it. Not saying that your soap does but I just thought of it when I saw your soap and read madder. :) Good save! We wanna see pictures when it's cut!
Thanks, I'm really anxious to see the inside too. The color has changed, its more pink now but still really pretty. This soap is still giving me fits, I insulated so it would gel and it started to over heat. There are small cracks forming on the top so its in the freezer now.

This is a nice scent but not good enough to make it worth the trouble. I'm really glad I used it all up.

If it cracks bad enough to need a "band aid", I've tried the water spritz with saran wrap trick and it worked like a charm! Might be a little tricky with the textured top but I think you could make it work.
Sounds like one of those **** trouble making soaps. Stick it in time out and give it the evil eye every time you go check on it. :)

Still, looks like a good save. Nice job.
I had a jasmine FO accelerate on me so much it turned kind of like chunks of solid jello which I had to ram into the mould and press down to try and get rid of air holes. I didn't get chance to colour it either. It also overheated so i didn't insulate it, but it gelled which I think helped all the chunks stick back together with no gaps. You may be pleasantly surprised and have no gaps in it at all. Fingers crossed :)
The FO is Mediterranean Fig from BB, everyone tells me its a true fig scent but it smells kinda flowery to me. I think I like it better in lotion then soap.

I hope it doesn't turn out looking like bologna, there are white bits where the madder didn't get mixed in well enough. This was CP, it looks lumpy from the acceleration, it was really bad. I might almost be inclined to call it seize since it went from emulsion to also unstirable in about 20 seconds. I'm not too concerned about the cracking as long as it doesn't volcano.

It was kinda jello like and I had to press it down quite firmly. Thats why I wanted to gel it, so I could bang it down and make sure it at least sticks together.
The FO is Mediterranean Fig from BB, everyone tells me its a true fig scent but it smells kinda flowery to me. I think I like it better in lotion then soap.

I hope it doesn't turn out looking like bologna, there are white bits where the madder didn't get mixed in well enough. This was CP, it looks lumpy from the acceleration, it was really bad. I might almost be inclined to call it seize since it went from emulsion to also unstirable in about 20 seconds. I'm not too concerned about the cracking as long as it doesn't volcano.

It was kinda jello like and I had to press it down quite firmly. Thats why I wanted to gel it, so I could bang it down and make sure it at least sticks together.

Yum! Hopefully it will be worth the hassle! I've said this before on the forum, I want so badly to make soap from FO but I'm too chicken and stubborn.

I doubt if yours will look like bologna! Your soap turned out more violet, mine was more like the color of madder when it's still in powder form, hence bologna (I think it changes colors a bit because of the pH), since it was added to a rebatch. I'm thinking since the pH was considerably lower, maybe it didn't react as much. But hey, if it doesn't turn out, or looks like bologna (people loved that soap by the way :( I hated it!), you could always rebatch it.
Yeah, there is some purply spots but I expect them to change to more of a pinky color. Wish I would have tried madder sooner, I could have been using it all this time for a natural pink.

@JustBeachy what color do you see? Its a deep rosy pink.
Their Moroccan Fig moves like mad. One to one with Sensuous Sandalwood, it's terrific. You had a great save there. I love the ginseng speckles and the pink is impressive from a natural colorant. Did you put jojoba beads on top?
Last time I used the fig I didn't have too much trouble but I was expecting it. Since I forgot about it this time, I did a deep water discount:roll: I too love the ginseng and am glad to have found a use for it. its been crammed in the back of my tea drawer for about 4 years.
No jojoba beads, are you looking at the specks in the pink part or the weird little lumpies on the top?
I see little white beads on top. Are they an addition or a strange outcome? They look exactly like white jojoba beads.

What exactly did you have for the ginseng? Was it shredded or powdered for a ginseng tea?

Oh Lord, a deep water discount with that type of FO... I'm even more amazed you managed a save!
That just some glitter that is really reflecting the camera flash. Its ginseng powder for tea, just the cheap kind. I might try infusing some, see if I can't get a light yellow through the whole soap. I did use TD in the whole batch so I figure thats affecting the ginseng some. Hopefully its not overly scratchy.

Yeah, I used 2:1 for my water. This recipe is 70% tallow and I was expecting a nice slow trace:) Its too bad really, this scent is growing on me but I don't know if its worth the trouble. It was almost like trying to mold modeling clay.
Ooo I really like how those turned out...I think I better get me some madder and ginseng :D
Ooo I really like how those turned out...I think I better get me some madder and ginseng :D

I just got the madder a week ago. I have chinese ginseng which is insanely fragrant. If I am successful in bringing out the scent in a hot bath I'll post in pictures the method I used. :smile: