2019 Fall into Autumn Collaboration Participants

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math ace

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2018
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
I've been watching the over 60 you tube videos of the 2019 "Fall into Autumn" soap Collaboration. There are some seriously talented and creative people out there!

I was wondering if any of the SoapMakingForum members participated in the challenge?
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I was wondering if any of the SoapMakingForum members participated in the challenge?
I was a participant. AMD Soap (btw if you watch my video, please be aware that the cut video is separate. A lot of people seemed to be confused that I had camera problems and did not get a cut). I still have not gotten through everyone's videos (Taking a moment to complain that with 60+ participants, some people still posted 30+ minute videos... sigh.) but there are some really cool ideas showing up in the collab.
@ amd,
LOL, I saw your cutting video but not your soap making video!

I have been OK with watching the longer videos. It may take me a couple of months to get through all of them, but I am OK with that too! It has really broaden my reality of what is possible with CP soap.
Smarty pants, I deleted what I had written....... it was fresh

I am subscribed to the thread, so I got a copy of the message before you deleted it.
I didn't think it was Fresh!

Lin19687 paid you a complement saying that she has watched most of your soaping videos. :)
I am subscribed to the thread, so I got a copy of the message before you deleted it.
I didn't think it was Fresh!

Lin19687 paid you a complement saying that she has watched most of your soaping videos. :)
SHHH Don't tell her that I watch them.... she will send me all sorts of videos to keep me from doing my inventory tonight ..;) hahahhahah

ok , her part was not fresh, but the long long other videos I commented on was.
she will send me all sorts of videos to keep me from doing my inventory tonight
Ah, well, in that case @Lin19687 let me send you the kitty videos I record to show my husband how adorbs our cats are and try to convince him that a third cat would only add to the adorbs factor... I still need to get back at you for that 8lb box of soap bahahaha!

I'll agree with the long winded videos. I edit mine - sorry, as much as I love soap, I don't think anyone needs to watch/hear stick blending or the times that I'm off camera for 5 minutes because I forgot to wash my stickblender from the last time I made soap. I just want to see what colors you used, what they look like after mixing, what FO and additives you use and when you add them, how you get the soap in the mold, and what it looks like cut. I could go on, but I'm grumpy today so it would just be more complaining. My only night off work this week with no obligations and hubby just told me we're going to go look at plumbing... fun times.
OMG :winner::dance: Kitty Videos ! Oh I LOVE Kitty Love <-- ha not that Real Kitty Love @amd
Please PM me those !

Ok back to the Videos. If it says it is more then 3 -4 min don't bother, just skip to the end or click here and there in the beginning like I did.
I can't understand why some want to chat in the beginning. There is one that is 4 min long, it shows her face on the list an LLC something...... 1/2 of it is her face talking. Not what most want to see even though the pie shaped soap was cute.

I get crabby when watching videos and there is blah blah all in it. Which is really too bad since there are some good things in it. If it is a 'How to make" video I am much more easily ok with it all.

@amd edits her Vids so I like hers :) Plus I can swoon over her Fabulous Tattoos !!! :) :) :)

plus I can giggle at her accent....
Plus I can swoon over her Fabulous Tattoos !!! :) :) :)

plus I can giggle at her accent....
I agree with the first because I'm kind of partial to my tattoos (really wish my artist hadn't turned skeevy on me and moved from a nice clean shop to her basement - where she also breeds rats. The area is clean, but the smell... I just can't.)


ETA: I don't mind video intros as long as they are short and to the point (which is why I don't do intros... even editing is a pain for me as I tend to ramble so then trying to not jump into the action in the middle of my rambling... good times). Anything more than 2 minutes is too much, part of the reason I stopped watching Humblebee and Me - most of her intros are longer than the actual making. Can't do it. I FFWD in 10-20 sec increments through a lot of videos.
UMMM Yes you do, and my Boston one is just horrid hahahha

I love the videos that are no sound, edited and show the end cut product
because I forgot to wash my stickblender from the last time I made soap

amd, this is too relatable! haha!

I love videos with talking...It seems I'm in the minority. I've been wanting to put up a soaping video for a long time....but I feel so cringy listening to myself. I wonder how any of my students survived my teaching!
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Would you pleasse "translate" this into ordinary English so that those who are not native speakers might understand?
I'm assuming the power went out at her work place and she's going home. I might be wrong, but that's the way I read it.