The stick blender must be completely vertical, or it will make a mess. Lower it into the batter, lean it way over to release the bubble of air under the dome, and bring it back up to vertical. It should touch the bottom. Hold tight and turn it on. You will see that it is blending, maybe a...
Don't wiggle or rock the stamp once it's in your soap. Press straight down, remove it strait up. Rocking makes the stamp work like a pry bar and will mess up the image.
What else went into the soap? Did the batter touch any metal - what kind of metal? Do all the oils smell fine OOB? Did the oils get burnt? Does your EO smell OK OOB? what does it stink like?
mappam - At this altitude, I stay away from additives like goat's milk, sugar, food, and anything else that might cause overheating. I use a lot of sustainable palm, lard, and CO. Basic soap has not been a problem.
I'm at 10,000 ft now, but started soapmaking at sea level. The difference I see is that the soap tends to volcano (and maybe gel) at a lower temp. Like water will boil at a much lower temp up here.
Well bless her heart.
And thanks everyone for posting the papers ... I'd hate to be one of those *@4!'s who only have anecdotal evidence to support their "facts".
First you must know the properties of the oils you can use for CP soap. The oils are chemically changed during saponification and they change properties completely. You favorite oils for lotion or cooking are not going to be your favorites for soap. Use google.
Start with a basic soap...
Yes, surface area, erosion. Also there is a point where the soap gets too thin, and breaks. If your bar starts out at 1" smallest dimension, it will get to the breaking point faster than a 2" bar.
There are other things to consider with shape, though. How easy is it to hold and use...
Stop fretting about this! You only need to be approximate. Start with maybe 800g oils, and make some soap. If it's not enough, you will get shorter bars. If it is too much, pour the leftovers into margarine cups. Save the recipe and take notes, next time you will know that 800 is too much...