I wasn't trying to sound harsh, and rereading it kind of gave that impression. I hate internet speak sometimes! I wanted you to know you are probably your own worst critic, and if you look at it objectively, it is probably better than you give yourself credit for. I totally understand how you felt. I was there on batch #4 and batch #6. My #4 was a salt bar. Scant lather, harsh, and about a quarter of an inch of ash. It's awful. The 6th I did bb almond fo. I tried my second peacock swirl, and though it said it accelerated, I was sure I could move faster. It thickened in the bottle and squeezed out fluffy thick frothy like soap. The purple turned grey, the yellow mustard and it blended Brown onto the blue. It was and still is ugly as mud.
You don't have to do naked soaps or anything, but try to work on one main skill each batch. It will get better, and I would hate to see you give up or get so frustrated you aren't enjoying it. I almost did, and I'm glad I worked through it and now I love it!
Donating. Call a local women's shelter, call the local food pantry and ask if they'd like homemade soaps. Label them appropriately for allergy sake. Not sure on clean the world (i think that's what I've read), but a Google search may turn up something.