Well I made soap (I hope we will see when I un-mould it!)
My thermometer didn't arrive but I couldn't wait so just guessed the temp of the lye/oils!!! I am hoping this will not cause too much of an issue they were both in stainless steel containers and felt about the same temp when I felt the sides of the containers.
Had a few beginners issues. It surprised me how long the lye took to dissolve I was expecting to stir it a couple of times and that would be it lol, it took alot more mixing until the mix was clear.
The main problem was my mixing of the lye and oils, I melted the oils in a stainless steel saucepan, poured the lye in and mixed with the stick blender, it splashed, loads

I transferred the mix to a bigger saucepan but it still splashed

. So I decided to try to mix by hand, after mixing for ages I gave up lol and put it all into my baking mixing bowl. This is cheap plastic so thought to mix in the sink just in case, only to find the stick blender didn't reach the sink grrrr. It turned out ok in the end I think by this time the mix was cool enough not to cause any issues with the plastic, only I now have to purchase a new mixing bowl for my baking and buy a suitable container to mix soap in that will be tall enough so it doesn't splash (any suggestions?)
After all that transferring of the soap I was not left with very much lol I am very grateful to those who suggested lard as it means my early attempts are not wasting much money.