I'm posting this here instead of in the FO category because what I'm really asking is how I can fix my soap, if you can bear with me for a moment. . .
I think my latest batch of HP is over-scented. I used BB's "Drakkar Type" at a rate of 3.5% in soap (5.2% of oils), which typically gives me a noticeable but gentle fragrance. (I loathe overwhelming scents.) This usage rate was halfway between the "light" and "medium" levels on BB's fragrance calculator. Interestingly, with BB scents it almost always works out to be one gram of FO per ounce of HP soap (not per ounce of oils).
Although I usually get good results with the lighter end of the BB fragrance calculator's recommendations, this time the result is HORRIBLE. Sickeningly, nauseatingly, terribly overscented. It smells like I used 4 times as much as I should have. And I know I didn't make a huge measuring error, since there's only so much FO in the bottle, and I didn't finish the bottle.
So. . .can I fix this? Is there a way to partially destroy a fragrance once it's in the soap? I haven't noticed any changes in the strength of the scents when I've baked various bars for less than an hour at ~170F, but maybe if I baked them longer, or at a higher temp?
I'll try just about anything, except I'd really rather not re-batch. It's a red, black, and white swirl (I finally got a good red!), it looks nice, and I'm sure it would be an ugly gray if I re-batched.
The smell is so strong that I'm afraid to put these bars on the drying rack with my other soaps, lest they all be contaminated. Is that even possible, or is it an irrational fear?
I'm also wondering if maybe I'm highly sensitive to something in this particular FO, in the sense that what smells incredibly strong to me smells normal to other people. I'll be carrying it around to ask people. . .if I can stand to be that close to it. But I don't remember thinking that my sample smelled crazy-strong when I tested this FO a few months ago, so I'm not all that confident that personal sensitivity is the issue.
Have any of you ever killed a fragrance, intentionally or not? If so, HOW?!
As always, I appreciate all the help and ideas that are shared on this forum.
I think my latest batch of HP is over-scented. I used BB's "Drakkar Type" at a rate of 3.5% in soap (5.2% of oils), which typically gives me a noticeable but gentle fragrance. (I loathe overwhelming scents.) This usage rate was halfway between the "light" and "medium" levels on BB's fragrance calculator. Interestingly, with BB scents it almost always works out to be one gram of FO per ounce of HP soap (not per ounce of oils).
Although I usually get good results with the lighter end of the BB fragrance calculator's recommendations, this time the result is HORRIBLE. Sickeningly, nauseatingly, terribly overscented. It smells like I used 4 times as much as I should have. And I know I didn't make a huge measuring error, since there's only so much FO in the bottle, and I didn't finish the bottle.
So. . .can I fix this? Is there a way to partially destroy a fragrance once it's in the soap? I haven't noticed any changes in the strength of the scents when I've baked various bars for less than an hour at ~170F, but maybe if I baked them longer, or at a higher temp?
I'll try just about anything, except I'd really rather not re-batch. It's a red, black, and white swirl (I finally got a good red!), it looks nice, and I'm sure it would be an ugly gray if I re-batched.
The smell is so strong that I'm afraid to put these bars on the drying rack with my other soaps, lest they all be contaminated. Is that even possible, or is it an irrational fear?
I'm also wondering if maybe I'm highly sensitive to something in this particular FO, in the sense that what smells incredibly strong to me smells normal to other people. I'll be carrying it around to ask people. . .if I can stand to be that close to it. But I don't remember thinking that my sample smelled crazy-strong when I tested this FO a few months ago, so I'm not all that confident that personal sensitivity is the issue.
Have any of you ever killed a fragrance, intentionally or not? If so, HOW?!
As always, I appreciate all the help and ideas that are shared on this forum.
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