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  1. jarvan

    Sustainable Palm Oil

    Have you tried Columbus Foods? If you Email them, they might be able to help you. They are a source of sustainable palm.
  2. jarvan

    FOs and EOs in powder form

    I've never heard of it.
  3. jarvan

    whipped soap question

    I wonder the same thing. I had that happen the first time I made whipped soap. I figure maybe this is a little akin to the salt bar volume problem. Maybe figure on 2/3 the amount of oil next time?
  4. jarvan

    Different cutting methods?

    I used to cut by hand until I decided slab molds were for me. I can still do swirls and some neato stuff with the slab, so it's good enough for me. I had my husband cut lexan dividers for me and like IrishLass, I soap 2.5 lb at a time. Small stuff. I can't write straight on a line, so cutting...
  5. jarvan

    first time with grape pop mica

    Interestingly, you might have been ok (depending on the level of purple you wanted) with gray batter. It tends to change after it sits in the mold. I have had this happen with numerous purples.
  6. jarvan

    Best Chocolate F.O.

    Who has it? I need a great chocolate scent. Thanks. Jen
  7. jarvan

    labels for soap

    Your second batch of soap ever? Hmmm. I dunno that I would sell or even give it away that early. I guess everyone has a different comfort level.
  8. jarvan

    Anchoring citrus scents

    Edited to remove the third post same as the first (shaking fist at router).
  9. jarvan

    Anchoring citrus scents

    Edited to remove the second post, same as the first (darn internet)
  10. jarvan

    Anchoring citrus scents

    Intersestingly, I have had success holding pink grapefruit E.O. In my CP soap (fairly strong, too) by adding bentonite clay. I did the same batch with kaolin and the scent is all but gone. I think I'll try this bentonite with an orange lemon bar.
  11. jarvan

    Curing rack materials

    I will reply to my reply. Yes, indeed, the rack I cure on is chrome. Not a single problem with it.
  12. jarvan

    Curing rack materials

    I don't know if my wire rack is chrome, but it's a shiny silver. I cure on it all the time and haven't had a single speck of DOS. I have been using this particular rack for over a year. I do move my soaps after 6 weeks to cardboard boxes, though and maybe that helps? Like I said, no DOS. Oh...
  13. jarvan

    Clean The World!

    This may be a nice operation, but I mailed about a thirty pound box of soap to them and it sat unclaimed only to be returned to me dAmaged so that I could not donate it anywhere else. I wrote to them and never received a reply. I can't afford to waste that sort of postage and product.
  14. jarvan

    Soap with embeds and tutorial

    I would be curious how old the soap balls are because anytime I have tried using old soap balls from previous batches, I end up with balls separating and falling out of the stuff around it. I tried not spraying them with alcohol, then with alcohol. I like the look of the cocoa powder ring, but...
  15. jarvan

    My very first attempt at CP

    Very pretty! I love your subtle green swirl!
  16. jarvan

    Any body tried one of these

    I have a basic digital therm if I want to check temps, but I have been pre-mixing my lye so it's room temp and I just warm the oils till just melted. I really don't care about the temp unless doing a milk soap.
  17. jarvan

    Beer Questions

    1. Do you think there is really a big benefit to using all beer in the recipe or would the qualities brought to the soap (that might survive Mr. Lye) just as good if I do the lye in water and then add the beer later on? 2. Does just plain beer soap smell earthy or foul? I thought I...
  18. jarvan

    DOH!!!!!! I forgot to add my F.O!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sure you will have a most lovely batch of unscented soap and it won't go to waste. People love unscented soap.
  19. jarvan

    2 questions - Cracking and Temperature

    I inadvertently pushed the submit button twice. Therefore, I deleted this content.
  20. jarvan

    2 questions - Cracking and Temperature

    I saw a post last year from a soaper who pays no attention to the temps, figuring that the lye will eventually heat up the batch past is oil temp anyway. I don't know that this makes good sense, as you start everything off "hot" that way and it stays hot longer. Whatever. But, are you putting...