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  1. F

    Lard in Soaps

    I think its wonderful that so many soapers render their tallow--but I'm lazy and I just buy lard from the store. :oops:
  2. F

    My first 2 Batches of CP Soap!

    Great job on both soaps--the swirls look wonderful!
  3. F

    Wish you could smell this one

    Very nice!!!! I've been wanting to try that scent combo myself.
  4. F

    New soap photo - Energy

    Beautiful--and energy is one of my favorite scents!
  5. F

    Pour Lye into water...right?

    When I first started making soap I read the statement "the snow (lye) falls on the lake (water)" in reference to what gets poured into what. Everybody knows a lake doesn't normally fall on snow. I always remember that for some reason and have never got confused (although I get confused about...
  6. F

    Which type of coloring is best, and tips regarding coloring?

    I think that is a GREAT idea! I've used only natural colorants and Lab colors from Bramble berries and would love to branch out with more vibrant colors. It is overwhelming to try to figure out what works well.
  7. F

    Lard in Soaps

    I love lard in soap. The lather is very creamy. Soaps made without lard are nice too, they are just different in the way they feel and lather. I usually use a combination of lard, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, and a little castor and superfat at 6-7%. I don't let the lard get above 120...
  8. F

    Anything with a 1 week cure time?

    It's not soapy, but lotion bars or lip balms might be nice-and they make up fairly quick. Melt and pour soap might be another option?
  9. F

    Brown bubbles from vanilla in fragrance

    I love vanilla based scents although I know it's going to make my soap dark to light brown and yes, the bubbles are not white. I try to make the soap a little prettier by taking out a cup or so of the unscented soap batter to do a swirl. I pour the scented into the mold, and then pour in the...
  10. F

    Is this Lard ok to use?

    I've used it and have soap that is well over a year problems at all. Go for it!
  11. F

    My first coffee soap

    Looks great--were the coffee grounds dry or wet--stupid question I know. I have coffee gounds from the pot every morning and wasn't sure if I could just dump them it as is or if I had to put them on papertowels to dry them out. Or did you use just ground coffee without it being brewed?
  12. F

    First Seize

    I recently had a batch sieze/rice and everything awful it could do. It happened within seconds after I added the FO. I was devasted--it was my first time. I threw it all in a crock pot, beat the snot out of it with the stick blender till smooth and hot processed it. It ain't pretty but it...
  13. F

    An answer to 'the LUSH question'

    My youngest daughter had an opportunity to go into a Lush store last weekend. She had to call me on her cell to tell me. She was not impressed, she said the soaps all felt greasy and were really crumbly and the shapes were all really rough. The soaps she looked at were primarly made with...
  14. F

    Soaps for today

    How did you get that wonderful lime green color? Wow, I'm loving it! All the soaps look great!
  15. F

    Disaster- please tell me what to do with this soap?

    If there is no zap it's probably ok. With soaping sometimes you have to embrace those little imperfections....thats what I tell myself sometimes anyway.
  16. F

    First time using charcoal

    The swirls are beautiful!!