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    differences in CP and M&P soap on the skin

    The is the main difference between M&P and CP is with CP YOU controll what goes into your soap where as M&P is synthetic, premade detergent base that is not a true soap. Yes I know that there are some suppliers that claim there M&P is "all natural" , but I do not know where I can find a...
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    Melt & Pour+deco-molds=the only way?

    I mostly use individual molds for my cold pour soaps. I also use both FO's and EO's in my CP soap without it changing any of the scents. Why did you say you were afraid it would ruin you scents?
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    making liquid soaps, shampoos, shower gels etc.

    I have done both the alcohol/paste method and the crockpot method. I personally like the alcohol/paste method better. I feel I have more controll over the end product, although I have not done the crockpot method as much as the alcohol/paste method. So I may need to do it a few more times in the...
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    Intro to M&P: Worth it?

    I LOVE both. CP is chemistry at it's best and is wonderful for your skin. I will NEVER use store bought soap again. M&P is wonderful for my creative side. I can make beautiful soaps instantly. So it depends, you are really comparing apples to oranges.
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    Goat's milk liquid soap

    Snowdrift farm's has a great tutorial and a forumla for liquid goat's milk soap.
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    what's one thing you know now that you wish you'd known

    Not realizing that soapmaking is the tip of the iceberg! So many things to make so little time!
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    Fractionated coconut oil

    It's also used in bath melts as it disperses in water. I was also wondering if you could use it as a superfatter in liquid soap. Anybody know?
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    ugly swirling after major seizing (pics)

    Did your coconut cream have any additives? That may be why it traced so fast. I know cinnamon EO can accelarate trace also but none the less the soap is just FAB!!!!!!
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    Wool Wash Bars -- question

    I use lanolin in one of my goat's milk soaps and I add it with all my other oils. It is lovely. Another scent idea is cedar!
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    Making my own crinkly cutter

    Pampered Chef has the crickle cutters and I'm sure you can find them on-line somewhere.
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    Soaped with Cows milk?

    You can freeze the milk and then add the lye, add the oils. I use heavy whipping cream for my Milk and Roses soap. It's of course rose scented, pink and has fresh dried(from my garden)roses on top. I think the cream is almost as good as goat's milk but I also add lanolin to my goat's milk...
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    An idea about food coloring

    That is why food coloring is not reliable in CP. You never know what color you will get. I have used the same wilton color in different batches(same formula) and gotten different colors each time. I would try mica's. They are very reliable and are as close to a "natural" colorant as you can get.
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    Delicias de Karité

    Soooooooooo beautiful. You do such wonderful work. I have been to your site. If you want to see some great soaps go to her website! :D
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    whipped soap question

    Also Snow Drift Farms has a super tutorial with formulas on their web site.
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    Increase suds

    What brand are you using? Are you adding anything to the soap? If you are what kinds of additives and how much FO/EO are you using? I have never had a M&P brand that does not lather. That's one of the things I like about M&P. The more things you add the less it will lather. Also are you using...
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    How to make whipped soap from scratch has a great tutorial and recipes. Also Cathrine Failor has a great book called "Making Cream Soap" I think that's the name of it. I never mastered the cream soap thing! Oh well can't be great at everything! :wink:
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    selling m&p soap

    Again as I have said over and over, this is stuff that is to be used on the face(around eyes) and on the body(what does it do to the skin) and on peoples private parts. It's not just something that sets in a soap dish and looks pretty(although I am sure alot of them do!). So please do follow FDA...
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    Crystals On My Soap.

    What were they wrapped in?
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    Soap properties/applications all in one place?

    I know a GREAT reference is "The Soapmakers Companion" I forget who wrote it but IMO I think anyone who go to gets a business license for soapmaking should be required to show a receipt of purchase of this book.
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    What can you Not Live without? :-)

    Can't LIVE with out my stickblender and LOTS of glass pyrex measuring cups from the outlet mall. I use individual molds so I don't have the mold need(they are glad containers!) And my soap forums!