Wool Wash Bars -- question

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Oct 5, 2010
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If I want to give wool wash bars along with my wooly hand knits for Christmas this year . . . I need to get my butt in gear and figure out wool wash!

How does this sound:

12% canola oil
20% coconut oil
35% evoo
25% safflower oil
8% lanolin (added at trace)
65 g lye for a 500g batch (~7.5% superfat)

I want to add the lanolin at trace so that it really conditions the wool. Do I just melt it down a little and set it to the side until trace? Does that affect how I formulate the oil/lye ratio? (I put the lanolin into the lye calculator along with the other oils to figure out my lye amount.) For some reason, that part really confuses me.


Okay, wait, I think I may have just had a lightbulb moment.

Do I take all my mixed oils besides the lanolin, plug them into the lye calculator and measure my lye so that I have no superfat and then add the lanolin at trace in the amount of superfat I want?

So in my proposed recipe:

60 g canola oil (12%)
100 g coconut oil (20%)
175 g evoo (35%)
125 g safflower oil (25%)
figure out the lye based on just those 4 oils, zero superfat

add 40 g lanolin (8% of the total recipe) at trace to give me 8% superfat?

Yes? Or am I still way off? :-[
I don't use lanolin, but you could just melt it in with all the other fats rather than messing around with adding it at trace. All comes out the same. You can't control what oils/fats are left after the lye is finished eating 'em. (I didn't run your recipe through a calc, so can't comment on lye amounts).

The lucky people who get your scrubbies for gifts are gonna love you!
the only way to (quasi) ensure that some lanolin is left in the soap is to HP it, and add the lanolin after the cook. or rebatch soap, adding lanolin during that period.

as for how to do the math, either way will work.
Oh, really? I thought that by adding it at trace it would preserve at least a little of the lanolin in it's original state. Hmmmm. Would it be eaiser to just mix it all in together?
Its always a debated issue as to what is eaten up before & after trace.
The only way to b certain with adding the lanolin would b HP.

How lovely of u to give this as a gift.
Will u scent them....with eucalyptus EO or something??
I use lanolin in one of my goat's milk soaps and I add it with all my other oils. It is lovely. Another scent idea is cedar!

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