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    Who Knew...?

    I'm bath bomb challenged. Can never get them to stick together in that round mold. So I usually put the crumbles in a zip lock bag and just pour them in.
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    baby liquid bath wash

    Go to They have a great baby wash. Part of the problem with liquid(I assume you want liquid) castille soap is the PH and because the PH is high it will burn if it gets in the eyes. Now what is your definition of organic? I'm not sure about coco-glucoside but I'm pretty...
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    Container size

    Just pour the lotion bar straight into the tin and let it cool.
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    Bubble bath bar recipe?

    I don't think so. They puff up too much. Try adding cornstarch to melt and pour till it is like a dough. Roll it thin and punch out shapes- I have never done this but on another forum someone posted this. Good Luck
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    I need some help with an ingredient Listing

    Eczema is caused by allergies. Coconut and Palm oils are know cause allergies in lots of people. As said above palm oil is also known as veggie tallow. I would NEVER use a lotion that does not have a preservative in it. First are you going to use it up in 2 weeks, that's about how long it...
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    Newbie getting frusterated. WSP Detergent Free Base Advice?

    I haven't found a M&P base that doesn't have some kind of "odor" to it. Just the nature of the beast. It is soap. I mean when my CP soap fragrance wears off I have what I call the "soap" smell left. If you look at the ingredients in M&P a lot of them have alcohol in them, that what makes them clear.
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    Newbie Confused by all that's available! and go to the soap queen,s website. Also another good site is www.soapteach,com. And I agree with all of the above comments. The most important thing about M&P is the base. If you do not like the one you bought, find a new one.
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    Need a Christmas Ornament Mold

    Try Milky way molds, If you want 3D molds try candle molds. Just google them and you will get tons of hits.
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    What did I do wrong -no scent

    How much scent did you add, was it FO or EO, who made it and what was the scent. Give us a little more help!
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    honey in soap

    If you are going to use a crock pot, that is a whole other animal. Search crock pot method or hot processed. You are basically cooking your soap and then putting it in the mold. Now some people can make really pretty soap like this, I can not. The best part of this method is you can use the soap...
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    How can you call it natural?

    Also using FO's and saying they are all natural. I really want to see a cucumber melon growing or an oatmeal milk and honey EO. Gotta love it!
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    Freezing soap in the mold

    Now I think my gelled soaps are prettier than my ungelled soaps. I also think the gelled has a better texture. I gel most of mine but I use individual molds. If I have trouble unmolding I will put it in the freezer for an hour or so to unmold. I don't think it changes the look of the soap...
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    Is this my problem??

    I didn't mix my palm the first time I bought a 5 lb bucket. When I got to the last 1/8 or so, my soap started seizing. I finally figuared out that it was from the extra steric that had not been mixed. So just watch out. You may want to pour the batches that you make with that palm oil at a...
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    liquid soap/body gel

    Swift's blog site is fantastic, The Herbarie, Lotioncrafter, have formularies that have good formulas in them. Most of the suppliers have formularies on their site. Also do a search on this forum, you may get some formulas posted here,
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    Crock Pot?

    I use a rice cooker as it shuts off automatically. I used to do classes for Michael's and they sold a soap cooker that was just a rice cooker.
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    Almond extract (for baking) + natural swirlies

    You were just lucky. Most of the time when extracts are used the alcohol in the extract causes the soap to heat up and volcano. Ask me how I know!
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    Made my soap a bit wrong... will it be ok or shall I bin it?

    It may smell of ammonia if the milk was burned. But it will cure out. The reason you freeze the milk is to keep the lye from burning the milk. So it really doesn't matter when add the milk, you just want to keep it from being burned. That is the trick with milk soaps. Some will add the milk at...
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    OMG - First Re-batch

    Most of my rebatches look like vomit so I quit doing it! :lol:
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    8th batch, using almost all new oils, sweating after pour...

    You will get the creamy look you want. It is in the gel phase according to the pictures. How long has the soap been in the mold? I would cover it up and wait for 24 hours from pour. It looks like it will be a pretty pink, creamy soap. What did you scent it with?
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    New book and a question

    I think that book uses M&P soap base. It is a specific type of base that you can melt in the microwave, add color,scent, eyc and pour into a mold. It is usuable immediately.