Is this my problem??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2010
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Hey everyone. So I just started using palm oil & PKO flakes & have been having issues. I have been back reading on here to see if I could figure out what I'm doing wrong. My living room, where I'm keeping them gets warm in the evening due to us using the fireplace. It's warm enough to melt some of my coconut oil. The palm oil is doing the same thing so I've just been using whatever I can pour out of the container. I thought that it was just melted & that was ok. It's sustainable organic palm from Colombus Foods. I just read in a post that the stearic acid in the palm separates & it's important to melt it all down, mix it real good & then transfer to another container. Have I totally screwed up my palm oil by using the part that's melted?
I didn't mix my palm the first time I bought a 5 lb bucket. When I got to the last 1/8 or so, my soap started seizing. I finally figuared out that it was from the extra steric that had not been mixed. So just watch out. You may want to pour the batches that you make with that palm oil at a thiner trace. As Carebear said you really can't tell until it's to late.
What I used to do with large buckets of the stuff was melt it all, stir as it cools and hardens (over days) - and I mean stir WELL - to make sure it's relatively homogeneous throughout. Then just scoop out what I needed.

Now I buy "no stir" palm from Columbus Foods.
Thanks guys! I guess I will melt it all down, stir it really well & then figure out what to do from there. I was looking at the no stir palm, but I'm not up to that level of soapmaking yet. I don't really need 50lbs of palm oil. It would take forever to use.
I've been wondering about this too. Especially since I just bought a 50# pail. How on earth do you melt the whole thing and stir "before each use"? I buy the organic, sustainable palm from CF. Prior to this purchase, I bought the 7# bottle and I did not melt and stir that either. I haven't seen a problem in the soap, although most of my recipes do not contain palm.

Besides a possible quick trace once I start using the bottom of the pail or bottle, will there be anything really wrong with the soap?
Years ago when I bought my first gallon of palm oil I had no idea it had to melted and stirred... I was just scooping from the top and didn't worry about the seperated consistency in the bottle. The only real problem I had were some majorly speckled bars.. any other problems were unknown to the eye and tongue lol.

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