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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. K

    Kaleidoscope tool

    I am wondering — Is it feasible to extrude into a mold soap that is not terribly fluid? Has anyone tried it?
  2. K

    HP Superfat question about SF

    Hmm. I use SoapCalc. I was surprised that it didn’t have a button for CP or HP superfat %. But I guess, then, you could just maybe set SF to 1% and add oil after cook, by figuring percentage of total oils that you want to use.
  3. K

    Let's tell a story....

    ...washed away their...
  4. K

    Aloe Vera ?

    I’ve used aloe juice in place of water and it works great. I just set the Lye pan on a dish of ice cubes for a few minutes to cool. Cools fast as you want this way.
  5. K

    Let's tell a story....

    ...undernourished: so they...
  6. K

    Lard question

    I read on the forum that lard makes a gentle soap. Although it’s against principles I might just try it. I also read that it’s hard to find lard without preservatives. Does it matter if it does? Where would one find lard without preservatives? Thanks everyone!
  7. K

    HP Superfat question about SF

    I want to make HP soap, but first have a question I hope someone will help me with. As I understand it, superfat is added after the cook. Also, I understand that saponification continues for a little while after cooking. On the Lye Calculator,then, do you set the superfat number to “0”? Then...
  8. K

    Favorite Base Oil / Oil Blends

    It’s great that soap can be made with what’s on hand, and inexpensively too. But one’s choices to try more exotic oils shouldn’t be shunned. I don’t use animal products, palm products, or knowingly use exploited products. Because I can, and like to experiment. I seem to return to my favorites...
  9. K

    Milk Carton Box Mold

    Yes. One good thing about milk cartons is that you can experiment with them, tear them off, and just replace them. No washing needed!!
  10. K

    Another green soap made with teas & green clay

    Beautiful! Very elegant!
  11. K

    Milk Carton Box Mold

    Grocery shopping includes mold shopping for me. Round breadcrumb packs are a good size and cheaper than Pringle’s. Quart size milk containers work great for a nice hand size soap. Small gelato containers are great (and you get to eat the gelato first!). Round oatmeal containers are good. The...
  12. K

    I don't know what to say

    You are obviously an industrious person. Is your fascination for soap in the making or in the art? Ask yourself why you make soap. If art is the answer, maybe make big blocks to sculpt. Maybe invent new techniques to expand the community skills. If it’s in the production of volumes, why not...
  13. K

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Where do you get that emoji?? It’s me to a tee!!!
  14. K


    I have a friend who is 92. He swears by colloidal silver. Apparently there is some research suggesting it does have antimicrobial qualities on skin. My friend eats silver pieces, which I think is a bad idea no matter what. It turns you blue. There is ozone cleaning, but I am of little faith in...
  15. K

    Am I hearing this?

    Maybe just leave it to individual interest, or cost/profit issues, or to experimentation, learning, and some just plain fun.
  16. K

    Swollen feet (help!)

    I used to have crazy deadlines on my jobs. —Schedule a 5 minute rest every hour-timed- with legs straight up against a wall. Wiggle feet. —Wiggle feet, stand on tiptoes even while sitting. This will pump blood fluids back up to upper body. Learned in physical therapy. —massage chest area to...
  17. K

    You know you have soapy brain when......

    When your mind wanders to wondering how molasses or cottage cheese would work in soap...
  18. K

    You know you have soapy brain when......

    When playing SoapCalc is an obsession, late at night...
  19. K

    Coconut water and aloe juice

    Wow thanks for the info. Did not know that. Do people actually need to add it then for more cleansing?? Curious