HP Superfat question about SF

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2019
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I want to make HP soap, but first have a question I hope someone will help me with. As I understand it, superfat is added after the cook. Also, I understand that saponification continues for a little while after cooking. On the Lye Calculator,then, do you set the superfat number to “0”? Then calculate the percentage of oils you want for adding superfat after cook? If you set SF in the Lye Calculator is there danger that the mixture will not completely saponify? (Not counting on testing)
Here is the way I understand it. Yes with Soapmaking Friend, set the Superfat % for % adding after the cook. Flip the switch for "add SF after cook" to on. The oils you list will be for the cook and the calculator will figure the SF for these at 0%. The printout will also list the amount of oil you need for the % of SF you put in, after the cook.
If this isn't clear, let me know, as I was confused until @cmzaha explained it to me. I can send you an example.
Hmm. I use SoapCalc. I was surprised that it didn’t have a button for CP or HP superfat %. But I guess, then, you could just maybe set SF to 1% and add oil after cook, by figuring percentage of total oils that you want to use.
I usually use soap calc with the superfat set at 0 then add up to 5% after the cook. I melt it in a mason jar in a hot water on the stove so it is warm when added.
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You can use both methods for calculating superfat after cook that are mentioned above. When I started out and only used soapcalc, I'd first put my full recipe in to look at the numbers and amounts of each oil and then omitted the oil I wanted to use as superfat, keeping the amounts (not percentages) of the other oils the same (if that makes sense).
Honestly, I don't really bother adding superfat after cook anymore.. I used to do that when I was adding fancy oils, but stopped putting those in soap. I just make the recipe as I would any CP including the superfat and cook it. It's fun to play with though!