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  1. S

    Price of fresh Goat Milk?

    My printer is starting to sell her goat milk (for the first time), and asked if I wanted to buy it for my soaps. I've been using powdered since I sold my herd several years ago. So I'd love to have fresh again. However, I don't know what is a fair price anymore and doesn't either. She said that...
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    Lecithin??? Why??

    I remember reading quite some time ago, something about using lecithin in soapmaking. So, of course I bought a pound of lecithin powder. Now, I have no idea whatsoever what to do with it, lol. Any ideas? I tried melting it down with oils, but it doesn't melts so well :? Thanks!
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    Desperation is the real mother of invention

    Holy Smokes! :shock: Those are gorgeous!! Absolutely stunning!
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    Anchoring scents

    I started using about a 1/2 teaspoon ppo of bentonite clay in all my essential oil and citrus scented soaps a few months ago. So far I've had excellent results with the fragrance sticking using this method. And the clay adds to the lather, plus it a bit cheaper than some of the other clays.
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    Success with colors

    Wow :shock: That is a seriously gorgeous series of soaps! Your colors are beautiful. and I too love your purple mountain :-)
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    Holiday Fragrances - 2010

    Thanks agriffin :-) I just ordered a pumpkin pie sample from Natures Garden. Will test it as soon as it get here and pass on the info. Look forward to hear your results :)
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    Holiday Fragrances - 2010

    I desperately need a good pumpkin FO. One that doesn't fade in CP. Or morph in B&B products. I've tried WSP and was not impressed.
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    pumpkin fo at wsp

    Pumpkin Lavender? Seriously? *insert puking smiley* LOL
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    How do you get this look?

    I had not thought to check the weight. You could be right.
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    How do you get this look?

    IDK, it almost looks like a whipped soap (nizzy style). But even my whipped soaps come out shapped rectangular like my mold. Hum? Not sure....but it sure is gorgeous :)
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    Liquid Castille

    I gave this method a try this afternoon. It was unbelievably easy! I used shreds from my mixed shreds bucket so it was a combo of different soaps (milk, silk & various oils/butters). The result was very similar to MDL's first batch with the milk and/or silk particulates floating on top. So I...
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    I made single use sugar scrub bars. TY Soap Goddess!!!

    I'm so thrilled that many of you are trying these. And your results are fabulous! Beautiful & festive looking! I just think that these are such a fun, easy project to make and great sellers. A great filler product for your table when you have a show too. Glad everyone is enjoying them :)
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    Soap Maker 3 ??

    I'm a MAC user/lover. But I ended up getting a basic laptop for travel and such. I didn't have my laptop but a few hours before I downloaded SM3! I absolutely LOVE that program. You don't need to have and internet connection except for the initial download and for occasional updates :)
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    what did anyone make this weekend??

    Finally finished cleaning/reorganizing the shop and was so looking forward to doing "something/anything". So I decided to do a batch of Pumpkin hazelnut bath bombs. Darn if they didn't turn into Bath Blobs instead :shock: I'm so disappointed :( Oh well, I think tomorrow I'll work on some...
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    These turned out perfectly - so thrilled!

    Oh My! they are absolutely gorgeous :shock: Kudos and pats on the back to you :D Might I ask what kind of colorants you used?
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    I'm so upset...

    Wow, some people really do suck! I'm so sorry. I've always been very paranoid about this happening to me. So I went to a restaurant supply store and got one of those small waist aprons with the pockets. I think it only cost me $3. I just put my sales book, pen and all my cash in the...
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    I made single use sugar scrub bars. TY Soap Goddess!!!

    Really? Everyone at our house loved them. And my son in law took a jar to work and all his co-workers that took them home had rave reviews about them. They certainly are not for a deep/heavy kind of exfoliating that you would get with most jar scrubs. But they are nice for a quick, light...
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    I am a gramma again PICTURE added

    Woohoo! Congrats & Blessing to you and the new family :)
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    My 1st Try at Single Use Sugar Scrubs

    Thanks everyone. I'm overwhelmed by all your kind comments. My daughter and I had so much fun making these and loved the end results in the shower. We might even be addicted to them now, LOL. Even her husband loved them in his shower and took a jar to work to use next to the sink for his...
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    My 1st Try at Single Use Sugar Scrubs

    That would be a perfect pan for doing the cubes in Holly. Please come back and post pics if you do these so we can see how pretty yours are. You will have so much fun doing them :) Blessed Be, Donna