My 1st Try at Single Use Sugar Scrubs

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2009
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First I have to say thank you to Tincanac for posting the instructions for these. They are SO fun to make they are addicting. My daughter and I have had a blast the last two days :)



Sugared Pumpkin & Hazelnut



Raspberry Vanilla

I have not had this much fun in the shop in a while. And I can sit while making these so it is something I can do while recovering from surgery. Yeah!
Thanks for looking :)
ooooh! they are beautiful!! How did you make them? Would you mind sharing your reciepe?

Where are the instructions for those......they are AWESOME !!
You did a magnificent job...
Thanks! They are just SO much fun to make :)
The instructions were re-posted from Brambleberries Blog as a result of a topic found here:

The original recipe came from the Soap and the Finer Things Blog and can be found here:

They are a single use sugar scrub for body exfolliating. You use them after you are done washing with soap and rinsingin the shower. Then take a cube, add a bit of water and rub/scrub your body to exfolliate, then rinse. It leaves your skin smooth, soft and moisturized :)

Blessed Be,

EDITED: To correct Soap Queen tutorial link :)
Yours look more sugary than the ones with the directions. Did you coat them in extra sugar?

Oh, and what did you use to make the round ones?
I have 10 lbs of clear glycerin laying around. I now know what to do with it, thank you for posting this.
They do look yummy enough to eat!! Great job - those are beautiful! Nice touch with the extra sugar!

holly99 said:
Yours look more sugary than the ones with the directions. Did you coat them in extra sugar?

Oh, and what did you use to make the round ones?

Hi Holly,
Yes, I coated them in sugar after unmolding and then let them set over night. I used a Wilton's bon bon mold that I got from the candy dept. at Michaels.

Blessed Be,
If your going to be making allot of these, I think it would be worth investing in the silicone molds as these can be a bit stubborn to get out of the ridgid molds.

Blessed Be,
I was thinking about using a 8 x 8 square silicone pan. I'm looking forward to giving these a try.
That would be a perfect pan for doing the cubes in Holly. Please come back and post pics if you do these so we can see how pretty yours are. You will have so much fun doing them :)

Blessed Be,

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