Soap Maker 3 ??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
I have some serious lust issues around the Soap Maker 3. Unfortunately, we recently switched to a Mac. Is it necessary to have an internet connection to run the program? I have an old laptop with Windows XP on it...but no ethernet card. :(
I, too, just recently switched to a Mac, but fortunately I run Boot Camp so I can use the PC stuff. SM3 looks great just from the demo. I just have to get the nerve to pony up the dough for the real program. I believe there is some sort of support statement (in FAQs) related to Mac vs. PC users.
I'm a MAC user/lover. But I ended up getting a basic laptop for travel and such. I didn't have my laptop but a few hours before I downloaded SM3! I absolutely LOVE that program.
You don't need to have and internet connection except for the initial download and for occasional updates :)

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