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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. IanT

    Trying to think of a business tagline, any suggestions?

    "Bubble Bayou: Unleash Nature's Serenity, One Bath at a Time."
  2. IanT

    Soapmaking Spreadsheet Recipe Tool

    @Grantxw8 that excel workbook/sheet is amazeballs!
  3. IanT

    Fragrance Oils
  4. IanT

    What type of a container do you use to mix your water (liquid) and lye?

    The concerns you've raised about finding the right materials for cold process soap making are very common in the soap making community. It's great that you're thinking critically about the tools you use, especially in terms of safety and longevity. Let's address your questions about materials...
  5. IanT

    Whats up!!!!

    It has been a LONG time since I have been on the forum so I figured I would re-introduce myself! I would like to get back into my soapmaking/lotion/B&B practice, so I will be ordering more supplies and such soon! My name is Ian. I live in FL, I made soap for many years but got busy with other...
  6. IanT

    Soap Making Tutorials Page

    Alright it looks like the reason it is happening is because there are not enough tutorials in the selected category to display on multiple pages, I think that is why the "soap" main tab (when clicked) is one of the only categories you can really scroll all the way through. so to see all the...
  7. IanT

    Soap Making Tutorials Page

    Hey everyone! Sorry for not getting back to you in regards to this issue! I am working to resolve it, seems that there is something wrong with the code. Bare with me, it should not be too long. I am planning on revamping the site soon so it is more easily navigable. I am experiencing the issue...
  8. IanT

    how do I post pictures?

    Heres a tutorial for ya! :) How To Post Pictures Tutorial
  9. IanT down?

    distributed denial of service attack (wiki)
  10. IanT down?

    DDOS attack?
  11. IanT

    Choosing a name

    write a bunch of names or letters on sticky notes, put them on your wall and throw darts at them ... which ever ones you get you can rearrange into your name selection! thats how was invented! lol
  12. IanT

    Newbie florida

    i second the SCORE idea, they are awesome, you get get a mentor through them who can help out too :)
  13. IanT

    Pumpkin Beer

    I would love the recipe ! I am so excited cause at the end of the month I will have a rental house complete with man-cave space for me to try all sorts of projects like this. Homebrew is something Ive wanted to do for a lonnnnng time! Any advice on kits and such? how much does it cost for a...
  14. IanT

    Handade Soap Business - How do you make your product safe???

    There are quite a few companies out there, I think its snowdriftfarms maybe that sells a kit for testing soaps... i could be wrong?
  15. IanT

    did anyone else know this?

    I too, thought that they were from the ocean until I came to this forum, I thought they were an ocean plant or something like a sea cucumber, someone actually grew them on the forum here at one point, search the forums I cant remember who it was but it was awesome to see the process! maybe...
  16. IanT

    How to Rebatch

    How To Make Rebatched Soap Tutorial
  17. IanT

    Pour Lye into water...right?

    just a fun tip to help it dissolve faster too... I always stir up my water so that it makes a mini whirlpool in the container... then slowly pour the lye pellets in... it helps it dissolve a little faster since the water is moving when you pour it in... :)
  18. IanT

    Me oh my

    no it would be the county clerk or whoever collects the taxes in your town (ie Government) not HR block, which you could consider a tax-processing service, not an assessor. HR block helps you pay the taxes assessed to you by your government
  19. IanT

    Small tip to avoid splashes while mixing

    that is quite a nice idea! Safety first!!
  20. IanT

    Infusing Water

    yeah maybe poo brown color lol I have used lavender as an infusion and i have noticed that just a very small faint scent makes it through, but I think it was more that I knew what the base soap smelled like unscented (it was CP) and I knew it smelled different with the infused water, using no...