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Dang. I would have been in a tizzy yesterday. I revamped my recipe to include castor oil for lathering properties. I don't have much spare time to soap these days, so I would have been upset had it not worked for me.

Glad it's back up and running. I don't know about all of you guys, but it seems a lot of sites/people are having computer issues these days. I blame it on the heat. I don't work near as well when it's this hot (110 in the shade on my porch)!!
struth! SMF was down, CraftServer is down, the Dish archives were/are down, and now soapcalc was down.

All have distinctly different explanations, but I'm starting to wonder...
I started making a copy of a recipe I'd run through SoapCalc before I wrote the name, date and notes on it for a batch of soap so if I like it, I had a master blank. So glad my obsessive-compulsive office traits are still with me.

Can't tell you how many times we'd run out of "X Important form"! and as coworkers freaked trying to find another copy I pulled out my master copy, made 10 sheets then handed them the stack with a "Until we get more or until I need to make more copies". My manager, and any one who needed to know, knew right where my "Master" file was in my file cabinet and on my hard drive.
carebear said:
struth! SMF was down, CraftServer is down, the Dish archives were/are down, and now soapcalc was down.

All have distinctly different explanations, but I'm starting to wonder...

DDOS attack?
I tell friends who joke that I'm gay because I enjoy making soap that Im doing this as a fallback profession when the apocalypse comes. I work in IT now but when the apocalypse comes and they nuke the circuit boards I need a trade. Just realized that if there are no computers, there is no soapcalc and I'm screwed. Need to figure out there math.

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