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  1. H

    Is it my recipe or the silicone?

    Okay I am going to try a water discount next time. I'd like to try that before sodium lactate, which gave me crumbly edges the last time I tried it. Is 2:1 a good place to start? I know things might move a bit faster...anything else to watch out for? Thanks for the advice.
  2. H

    Is it my recipe or the silicone?

    The freezer worked, thanks for the help. I still wonder why it is sticking to the sides. I do gel, but I don't water discount. Judymoody, I really like these molds, especially for the clear top. Do you find the need to insulate the mold, or does the wooden box and clear cover do the trick? The...
  3. H

    Is it my recipe or the silicone?

    Thanks...just stuck it in the freezer. I've been eager to unmold all day :-)
  4. H

    Is it my recipe or the silicone?

    I know that soap sometimes takes a bit longer to harden in silicone molds than in paper lined molds, but I am surprised mine is still pretty sticky to the sides. I just tried my new 5lb log mold from NSS, which I love for its easy silicone liner and see through lid. However, 36 hours later and...
  5. H

    Show Your Mess!

    Yeah, I dabble in both CP and MP, so I made little M&P color samples of each of my liquid colorants to help give me an idea of what they look like in both clear and white base. I suppose I just keep it lined up there because it looks pretty :-)
  6. H

    Anyone ever do this???

    I feel like a complete idiot and can't believe I did this. I made a 5LB batch of soap today, after running my recipe through soap calc. I will admit that the numbers did seem a bit high to me, but I didn't really give it a second thought because it had been a while since I made a 5lb batch...
  7. H

    Show Your Mess!

    I was just about to clean my mess when I saw this thread, so I thought I would snap a pic first. It's actually not too messy at the's usually much worse. I am a messy soaper :-)
  8. H

    Actually Made Soap Today!!

    It's gorgeous, and it has me itching to do a hanger swirl tomorrow. Maybe I am not pouring enough many layers did you pour? I usually have 3, but they look very distinct...I love how yours just seems to swirl into each other. By the way, those of us in the Polar Vortex of middle...
  9. H

    TD is going to send me over the edge!

    I've tried both oil and seems to disperse fine in both (actually better in water), but it doesn't seem to matter...I get crackle either way. I am going to try a different brand of TD and see how that goes. Although, I am apparently having this issue with colored oxides as well, and I...
  10. H

    Actually Made Soap Today!!

    Did you purposely prevent gel, or did it just happen to not gel? I have been known to get partial gel most times that I try to,prevent gel. I love the swirl...did you move the hanger in a particular pattern? The swirls look much more swirly and free form than when I do a hanger swirl.
  11. H

    New scents

    This is I feel like I've been missing out on something. Where did this amazing resource come from?
  12. H

    3 questions that have been haunting me ; )

    I have often wondered about people selling soap logs...there are quite a few out there. I, too, have been curious about how folks can cut bars after a long while. Also, would the cure time be longer than the usual 4-6 weeks?
  13. H

    Actually Made Soap Today!!

    Gorgeous...and no TD crackle...I am soooo envious ;-) I love the swirl it a hanger swirl? Just lovely!
  14. H

    TD is going to send me over the edge!

    I agree, I think that is what I am going to try, because I am not sure what else to try at this point? Although, did you see my follow up with the crackle in the neon green and cappuccino brown? Certainly, I cannot have this bad of luck...I must be doing something wrong. For the life of me...
  15. H

    Update on my TD issue...Round 2 with pics...the Soap Gods are laughing

    On Soapcalc, my stearic number is 5%.
  16. H

    Update on my TD issue...Round 2 with pics...the Soap Gods are laughing

    Thanks Soaprat, it's a tiger stripe swirl. The second one is a coconut lime fragrance...maybe I'll just name it Coconut Lime Crackle...hehe :-)
  17. H

    Advice Please!

    How long ago did you cut this soap? It's hard to tell from the photo, but they look like DOS (dreaded orange spots) to me. From what I understand, they can be caused by rancid oils OR they can just appear inexplicably. (Well, I am sure there is an explanation, but sometimes it isn't so easy to...
  18. H

    Update on my TD issue...Round 2 with pics...the Soap Gods are laughing

    TD is in the BB cappuccino mica, but I don't see it listed in the ingredients list for the neon green. I know oxides in general are prone to this. Either way, I'm beginning to wonder if it is something with my recipe?
  19. H

    Update on my TD issue...Round 2 with pics...the Soap Gods are laughing

    So yesterday I posted about how TD glycerin rivers/crackling are nearly sending me over the edge. Tried everything but not having much TD usually looks like this... So I decided to try the same recipe, same mold, same process...but I used BB's Super Pearly White Mica because I...
  20. H

    TD is going to send me over the edge!

    Lol, thanks Seawolfe...maybe I will just tell people that was the look I was going for :-)