TD is going to send me over the edge!

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Since your TD is both oil and water dispersible I would say your best bet would be to stir some into glycerin and leave it for a few days. That is what the Wilton brand icing whitener is made of, TD and glycerin in a little bottle with a drip cap. You only need a little bit, TD is a very powerful whitener. You don't say how much you used, but really a small amount is all you need.

There was a post around here not too long ago where someone experimented with putting TD into the oils before adding the lye and putting it in (pre-dispersed) after trace, and they got much better results using the TD up front.
am i the only 1 who loves td? i use it in almost every batch. yes, it gave me funky stuff in the past, but there's a way around it. just gotta watch for overheating me thinks.

Nope you are not the only one. I love td. I use oil td and the only time I have had td crackle is when using a water td. But who knows lets see what happens tonight with my soap I just poured and decided to let it gel. Hope all this talk of crackle is not contagious :-D I used quite a lot of td
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No crackling with my two anise soaps I poured last night. Granted they did not gel even though I did not put them in the freezer. I only use oil td from I also had over a tablespoon of td in approx 40 oz of soap batter which I had seperated off from the main batch
That soap looks amazing! I dream about making a soap that beautiful. Can't say I've ever had td problems, so no help here, but it looks like you have what you need from others.
Are you using oil soluble or water soluble TD? I use the water soluble and have a very similar recipe. I premix my TD in a little reserve water. I bought the water soluble because I heard it works better than the oil one. So far I have never seen any crackling. I do RTCP.

When I add the TD to my soap batter I just mix it in as usual with my SB. The only problem I have is if its not mixed long enough I get tiny white specks in the soap. But the SB works it in pretty good.
Hermanam, I think you really need to chuck B&B's TD and get some from She also has some very nice fragrances and flat rate shipping. Oil td is really the best in my opinion. I posted a pic of the soaps I made the other night that have a lot of td. The batch I almost messed up
Hermanam, I think you really need to chuck B&B's TD and get some from She also has some very nice fragrances and flat rate shipping. Oil td is really the best in my opinion. I posted a pic of the soaps I made the other night that have a lot of td. The batch I almost messed up

I agree, I think that is what I am going to try, because I am not sure what else to try at this point?

Although, did you see my follow up with the crackle in the neon green and cappuccino brown? Certainly, I cannot have this bad of luck...I must be doing something wrong. For the life of me, though, I cannot figure out what my trouble seems to be with oxides in general. I really don't think things are overheating, but maybe I am wrong.

And thanks again to those of you with such kind compliments about my soap...I am still learning and I am so appreciative of everyone's help :)
TD - Add to Oils

I use oil-soluable TD. I sprinkle the TD powder over the top of the oils and walk away for 5 - 10 minutes. Then I stick blend well. I have never had crackling/TD rivers.
Try mixing the td with water. Its been my experience that sometimes td is mislabeled. So do a test...if water drops in...sinks to bottom and stirs....even if it says oil dispersable....its a water base.
I've tried both oil and seems to disperse fine in both (actually better in water), but it doesn't seem to matter...I get crackle either way. I am going to try a different brand of TD and see how that goes. Although, I am apparently having this issue with colored oxides as well, and I am stumped as to what I am doing wrong.
Since it is happening in the colored areas that don't have any TD, I am gonna say it isn't the TD. Just a guess, but now we are narrowing it down to stearic streaks and heat. I believe there were some tips earlier in this thread about how to manage temp control during gel. Give it a try, or just embrace it :)

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