Update on my TD issue...Round 2 with pics...the Soap Gods are laughing

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2013
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So yesterday I posted about how TD glycerin rivers/crackling are nearly sending me over the edge. Tried everything but not having much luck...my TD usually looks like this...

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1391621233.295245.jpg

So I decided to try the same recipe, same mold, same process...but I used BB's Super Pearly White Mica because I didn't want to mess with the chance of crackling. I also used TKB Neon Green and BB cappuccino mica. This is what I got...

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1391621409.679522.jpg

LOL...the white looks great, but the others...well, not so much! Using ED silicone mold with basket, covered with a shoe box and towel (I even used one instead of two this time). Do you think this is overheating? I really would be surprised, since it's a silicone mold with no wood around it.

Help ??? :)
Look at the ingredients list for your colorants - betcha' TD is one of the components.

TD is in the BB cappuccino mica, but I don't see it listed in the ingredients list for the neon green. I know oxides in general are prone to this. Either way, I'm beginning to wonder if it is something with my recipe?
See now the second one looks like a cut agate and I'd be all proud and telling everyone I meant to do that....
I think your top one is gorgeous with the patterns (is that a funnel swirl?) and the accent of white. TD crackle is a sign of a handmade soap!
Thanks Soaprat, it's a tiger stripe swirl. The second one is a coconut lime fragrance...maybe I'll just name it Coconut Lime Crackle...hehe :)

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