Well-Known Member
So, you know you're addicted to soap-making when you strike a deal with the bar next door to let them take delivery of your boxes every day while you're working. I choke through the haze of spilled beer and cigarette smoke to pick up my packages. Sometimes, if I have 4 bucks to spare, I grab a plastic go-cup of wine to show a very small amount of appreciation. New Orleans, people!
I was first thinking "huh, I wonder where you can still smoke in bars, the was like "A to-go drink! what the hell." Then "Oh, that makes sense". They 86ed smoking in bars in California before I drank. Then when I moved to Oregon I remember saddling up to a bar and the bartender putting an ashtray in front of me and my first thought was that he was trying to trick me or something. Both CA and OR are pretty strict about liquor and serving rules. Allot of that depends on the town your in too.