yellow dock powder

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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i have been waiting anxiously for my yellow dock powder to arrive and today it finally did! i tried infusing into warmed olive oil and i didn't like what i got. so i sprinkled some in the lye solution.....much better! turned pink right away but then went to an orange tan color. i don't know if i added too much or too little. i was trying to do just one experimental bar.

well about the time i was adding the lye to the oils my daughter informed me i had to go get one of her friends....they were having a party at my know about a watched pot....i told her i would do so after my soap 'gelled'.....well what if i doesn't.....she said, super annoyed that i wasn't dropping everything and running out the door to get her friend

well...i'm not sure if it did ever trace. if it did it was a very light trace. i finally said the H## with it and poured it into it's small tuperware container.

i really don't think it traced....but i guess i'll let it sit until tomorrow and see what happens. one thing is that since i did such a small batch the naoh solution didn't get very hot and i didn't heat the oils up very much either. i think i had it going at maybe 80 deg F. i actually stuck it in the microwave to try to heat it abit...once the lye and oils were combined....i had also added grapefruit seed extract and usually that gives me a fast trace. not this time. i have a feeling the temp was too low and my naoh may not have been enough

oh well, back to the drawing board. once the girls leave. soap making w/ a bunch of teenagers in the kitchen may not be the best idea....
it's not about the teenagers, it's about the size of my kitchen...a postage stamp. can't fit two large pizza's, cake chips and a bucket of lye in there. doh't think it would be safe.
You never know , you may have soap in the morning . You could also rebatch if you don't care for it.

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