I have to admit, a not insignificant portion of my interest in soapmaking came from the opportunity to haul my old college lab coat and goggles out of storage and get back into chemistry. I made soap for the first time today and I'm really glad I wore them (and put cardboard down over my counter), because when stick blending I did get a splash that got onto my lab coat sleeve (and the cardboard). I got the soap to (what I think was) a very thin trace, poured, rinsed out the lye water container, took off the coat and soaked the splashed area with rice vinegar (we didn't have plain white distilled), finished cleaning up, and then put the lab coat in the washing machine. Was this the correct thing to do? What should I do differently next time (other than buy white vinegar)?
Also, how best to wash my lye water container? For my soap batter container and mixer head, I'm just letting the batter saponify and will wash it tomorrow. For my lye water container, however, I just rinsed it several times with hot water. Should I use vinegar? Soap?
Also, how best to wash my lye water container? For my soap batter container and mixer head, I'm just letting the batter saponify and will wash it tomorrow. For my lye water container, however, I just rinsed it several times with hot water. Should I use vinegar? Soap?