Would you fly with lye.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2009
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Ok I was just looking for airports that would allow my plane to land between here and snowdrift farms. I found I will have no problem with the flight and was wondering if you all would feel comfortable haling lye in a plane? Is there any regulations that would prevent me from doing so? (I couldn't find any)

I will be flying in an ultralight so I will have to do it in one day and the flight will be based on weather. I just don't know if I would feel comfortable carrying it or not. It would put me at my max load if I purchase 50lbs as I would have to take my bicycle with me and I only have 75lbs of weight available after that. (Plane has extras that are considered luggage so I don't have that much extra).

The plane does fly just fine at max load, and I have to avoid heavily populated area's by law anyway.

EDIT: I do not have a photo of my plane but this one looks just like it except mine has no cover over the passenger.


EDIT 2: Just for those not familure with these it does have a motor and prop located facing backwards behind the pilot so it is self powered.
Hummm.. I don't really know the answer to your question but since you'll be flying solo and there is no chance you're going to assist in a terrorist attack on yourself I dont' see why not as long as they'll let you into the air port with it.

I'd think you'd be better off with a little bitty private airstrip if you can find one. We have one such here in someone's back yard. He flys 4 seaters over the gorge for tourists in the summer. He inherited the airfield from an old character who did the same for decades but passed several years ago.

The intenational Air Transportation Assoc will have the guidelines for traveling by air w/ hazmat materials. Lye is a class 8 corrosive material. There is a phone number. There are requirements but I do not know what they are.
I can't buy lye locally , wherever I buy it ,it has to be shipped via ground the companies are not allowed to ship it airmail.

DH says you should be fine unless you crash..in which case you will be f'd anyways.

I personally think you will be fine. Happy flight :D
angbaby4974 said:
DH says you should be fine unless you crash..in which case you will be f'd anyways.

I personally think you will be fine. Happy flight :D

I have only crashed once and that was when I was 16 and didn't know how to deal with the wind. I was landing and went into a barbed wire fence, with not even a scratch to me had to fix plane though. I have lost my motor 18 times and never crashed after that first one. I am always on the lookout for a landing zone. It can soar for a long time. This thing runs on lawnmower (well not really its horizontally aligned).

The airstrip I am landing at is private. I have 8 strips in the area and all of them but 3 are private. 2 allow any landing the others I need to call. I think I will just buy my lye locally until I feel I need that much. (should be soon with my excitement) I will have to refill at 3 spots on the way as I am only allowed 5 us gallons with this type of plane.
If you do... think about a way to double or triple wrap the lye in air-tight, water-tight containers. Just on the way off chance you would land in water... well *I* would not want to be cooked by lye.

And you said you have no cover so rain or humidity could be a potential issue... and we know how lye loves to absorb moisture.
xyxoxy said:
If you do... think about a way to double or triple wrap the lye in air-tight, water-tight containers. Just on the way off chance you would land in water... well *I* would not want to be cooked by lye.

And you said you have no cover so rain or humidity could be a potential issue... and we know how lye loves to absorb moisture.

I won't be landing on water. I will have what looks like an extra gas tank on the thing. This is water tight. I just hope it holds all the lye as its kinda small. Luckly my bike is part of the plane. The wheels are my bikes wheels and the bike itslef fits into the tail section. I built this thing back in high school (my dad paid for it). I just don't get enough airtime with it so I thought this would make for a fun trip.

I only use these wheels when carring my bike.
ChrissyB said:
At least if you crash on a deserted island (think Lost) you will be able to make soup.

Srsly, I hope it all goes well.

After talking with a friend of mine he mentioned that I should wait as my motor has been quiting on me latly and I cant afford to get a new one anytime soon. So I will take his advice and wait :cry:
desert_gold_hound said:
angbaby4974 said:
DH says you should be fine unless you crash..in which case you will be f'd anyways.

I personally think you will be fine. Happy flight :D

I have only crashed once and that was when I was 16 and didn't know how to deal with the wind. I was landing and went into a barbed wire fence, with not even a scratch to me had to fix plane though. I have lost my motor 18 times and never crashed after that first one. I am always on the lookout for a landing zone. It can soar for a long time. This thing runs on lawnmower (well not really its horizontally aligned).

The airstrip I am landing at is private. I have 8 strips in the area and all of them but 3 are private. 2 allow any landing the others I need to call. I think I will just buy my lye locally until I feel I need that much. (should be soon with my excitement) I will have to refill at 3 spots on the way as I am only allowed 5 us gallons with this type of plane.

I think my DH was trying to be funny. We had just gotten home from eating crawfish & drinking a few beers. :oops:
lye on flight

I think the Department of Homeland Security would have an issue with it. I'd give them a call and ask. And the Transportation Security Administration.
Re: lye on flight

Soapmommie said:
I think the Department of Homeland Security would have an issue with it. I'd give them a call and ask. And the Transportation Security Administration.

very illegal.... lots of years in jail...

also lye will eat away at your plane with any sign of moisture...this is why UPS/ USPS ships lye only via ground...this is one instance i do agree with going along with the corporatations..