I was wanting to make a "Smokey water" soap and I was wanting to scent it with white thyme and Rosemary EOs
Do you guys think they would go well together?
White thyme and rosemary are supposed to blend well together, however they are both have very strong scents, so I would go easy on them. Black tea f.o. has a somewhat smokey scent.
I'm not sure what you mean by smokey water but I imagine this blend would have quite a medicinal smell. They're both strong anti-bacterial oils too. Just put a drop of each onto a cotton wool ball and see how it smells.
I made a rosemary and tea tree soap at 0.8oz ppo (I don't know why I did it that strong) and the day after I made it I thought I'd made a terrible mistake as it smelt disgusting and was very strong. However, now that it's cured it's faded to a nice strength and smells okay, although it still has that medicinal smell. It was for a mechanics' soap so I figured that anti-bacterial oils would be appropriate. You may want to try it at 0.7oz ppo.
"Smokey water" to me represents an Indian sweat lodge.
After my good friend died I went to several sweats for a spiritual cleanse. And when your in the sweet lodge your sitting in a circle around a deep pit dug in the ground that is filled with rocks that have been in a fire for a long time and durrig the sweat they throw herbs (rose marry, sage, thyme, lavender, etc. ) and periodically throw water over the rocks and it steams up.