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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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We just passed a nursery with big ole Vera Bradley sign outside. DH pointed it out and said 'why don't we stop on the way back'.

Is he being nice or setting me up?
Deda, what is Vera Bradley?
Even though I don't know what the sign is, a DH that wants to stop anywhere on the way home is worth his weight in gold. Usually once they've done whatever the original outing was for in the first place, all they want to do is get home ASAP.
My husband always quizzes me: tell me EVERYWHERE you want to stop right now so I know what I'm getting into.

He still whines about one day in 2002 that we drove to the other side of town for my friend's b-day and I had to stop at the mall to get her present... should have taken 5 minutes, but there was an incredibly long line and he had to wait for about 45 minutes in the car. Basically we were gone most of the day between a few errands and the 40 min. drive to the other side of town. He moaned later "I was in the car for 9 HOURS today. I could have flown to England!"

What a baby! ;)

Count yourself lucky!
He's a keeper for sure . The fact that he noticed the sign amazes me . Mine wouldn't know what Vera Bradley was .

We didn't stop. I'm smarter than that.
No way in hell I want him to know how much that stuff costs. :D