Wooden Mold Questions

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Active Member
Nov 17, 2010
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DH is making me a few different sized wooden molds tomorrow. I am new to soap making and will be making my second batch next week so I just have a couple questions about the molds...
1- is a lid necessary?
2- if I have a lid do I still need to wrap it in blankets while curing? What if I don't have a lid? (in my soap making class nothing was used but a plastic tray wi plastic wrap on top for 24 hours, that's why I ask).
mysticmoon said:
DH is making me a few different sized wooden molds tomorrow. I am new to soap making and will be making my second batch next week so I just have a couple questions about the molds...
1- is a lid necessary?
2- if I have a lid do I still need to wrap it in blankets while curing? What if I don't have a lid? (in my soap making class nothing was used but a plastic tray wi plastic wrap on top for 24 hours, that's why I ask).

Hey mystic,

A lid is a good tool to use depending on the size of the batch, it will help to insulate your soap so it reaches gel-stage. I havent been wrapping mine in blankets, cause well... i get a lil lazy sometimes, and my girl tends to nag about blankets in the oven (oven is OFF );) . Gotta keep her happy, anyhoooo... My soap comes out fine without blankets, I tend to check it quite a bit, I like to watch, and you can see if gel comes about by keeping an eye on it.

Blankets are good to use if youd like to, it definitely helps it keep more insulated if you keep your house a bit colder, or depending on climate... for me no blankets work, but you might just need to see which method you like the best, ultimately its a matter of choice, so I think everyone will probably say something different on this one ;)

:) hope that helps!
it all depends.

yea, I know that's a useless answer but it really does!

wood is an excellent insulator, but sometimes the lid can be too much insulation and you can get overheating which can be nasty. other times you may need it.

how much insulation (lid, blanket, whatever) will depend on whether or not you want to gel, what temps you soap at, what scent materials you use, what your room temperature is, what your formula is, how concentrated your lye solution is...

wooden lids insulate more/better than plastic - and so I find plastic easier to deal with because I can "customize" how insulating it is by putting more or less blanket on top. yanno?

nothing fancy needed for the lid - just a piece of plastic, wood (doesn't need to be pretty, or fit tight or anything) or even a piece of cardboard, or sometimes just an upturned cardboard box is great (especially if you've textured the top).

If he's already at it, and doesn't mind - let him make you a simple lid. But if it's a pain...
I like peaks, so I don't cover I do CPOP & just spritz with alcohol to keep ash away.

Here's some pics of the one my hubby made me. It's not fancy or pretty, but it gets the job done :)




The "dam" in the mold is removable, so I can make whatever size batch I want. I have been making 1lb batches. The cutter doubles as my lid. I see I need to change my paper. After while the slicing action makes the paper come apart.

I always cover it with the lid, but as soon as it's done gelling, I take it off. I'm in a cold climate, soaping in my basement. Just depends like everyone said. Trial and error...(many, many errors on my part...lol). You also have to decide if you like your soap to gel or not gel.
I cover my molds before insulating with blankets mostly to keep the blanket out of the soap. I like to gel all the way to the corners, having both helps.
Great responses! Thank you so much for helping me. I had him make lids too. Why not? Then I can chose to use them or not based on the situation.

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