Well-Known Member
No, not at all. I didn't transfer my domain to weebly though. I still have my domain through godaddy, and it was just a matter of me telling godaddy what weebly's DNS was, and plug that into the appropriate area on godaddy.
If I remember right after I put in the DNS it took about 5-10 minutes for it to update and take effect.
You should be able to call godaddy and talk to them and have them help walk you through it. It's been so long now since I did it, I can't remember exactly what steps I took, but I do know it was free because I'm cheap and if I had to pay to do it, I wouldn't have done it. LOL
Thank you. I will try that, the bad par is that I already have cards made. :headbanging:
My son gifted me the domain for mothers day.